1 unstable release

0.1.1 Jun 23, 2023

#15 in #badge

45 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates (via shadowy-super-minter)


253 lines

Shadow NFT Standard

A collection of on-chain programs and application implementations for the Shadow NFT Standard.


Program Description Version Docs
shadow-nft-standard On chain token metadata utilizing spl-token-2022 TODO crates.io badge TODO docs.rs badge
shadowy-super-minter SPL Token + Metadata minting program. Allows collection creators and collection consumers to mint Shadow NFTs TODO crates.io badge TODO docs.rs badge

CLI Packages


Javascript Packages



Name Description Version Docs
nextjs-sample-ui Sample UI created with Next.js to showcase all functionality of the Shadow NFT standard. A good starting point if you're creating an implementation. Currently viewable at https://sample-nft-ui.shadow.cloud/ TODO crates.io badge Sample UI Docs


Environment setup

  1. Install Solana Tools v1.14.18
  2. Install Rust Stable v1.65.0 - rustup install 1.65.0 && rustup default 1.65.0
  3. Install Anchor CLI v0.27.0
  4. Install Node.js v18+ if working with any Javascript resources


Nothing in this project constitutes a solicitation for investment. Code is currently unaudited, use at your own risk. GenesysGo / Shadow Cloud is not liable for any loss of funds or exploits discovered.


This library is to be used to represent urls, extensions, and filepaths compactly. These use cases call for strings which are typically under 256 bytes. As such, we use a smaller length to avoid needing to ser/de a 4 or 8 byte length type.


~487K SLoC