#zabbix #json #webhook #proxy #log-file #http #web-server

app zbx-webhook-proxy

Accept HTTP GET params or POSTed JSON and send values to Zabbix Server as JSON

2 unstable releases

0.3.0 Jul 29, 2022
0.2.0 Jul 18, 2022

#6 in #zabbix


662 lines


Accepts requests on a configurable set of URLs then forwards the GET query parameters or POSTed JSON body to Zabbix Server (as a JSON value), with optional JMESPath transformation.

Use with Zabbix 4.0 or later and Trapper Items of type log, then configure further processing of the JSON body in Zabbix using Dependent Items and JSON preprocessing.

Built With

  • warp - A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds
  • zbx-sender - Modern Rust implementation of Zabbix Sender Client
  • trust-dns-resolver - Used for reverse DNS resolution not supported by std::net
  • clap - Parse command line arguments by defining a struct
  • fern - “Simple, efficent logging”; manages console logs and optional access log file
  • serde-json - for json!() happiness

Version History

See changes in CHANGELOG.md



Rust 2021 edition


  1. cargo build --release
  2. Copy target/release/zbx-webhook-proxy to any executable location and configure startup


  • Startup scripts and SystemD unit files
  • make install


config.toml file

See example_config.toml for full usage

Minimal configuration

zabbix_server = "zabbix.example.com"

path = "/hook"
item_host = "Monitored Host"
item_key = "event.json"

Command Line

All command-line flags are optional but can be specified to override the configuration file or defaults

Flags with no default value

MUST be specified on the command line or in the configuration file

  • -z/--zabbix-server: Address of Zabbix Server or Proxy

Flags with a default value

  • -c/--config: Path to config.toml (default /etc/zbx-webhook-proxy.toml)
  • -p/--zabbix-port: Zabbix trapper port (default: 10051)
  • -l/--listen: Proxy HTTP listening port (default: 3030)

Flags that enable additional features

  • --access-log: Path to a log file that will contain requests in Apache Common log format

Flags that enable features only available from the command line

  • --test-mode: Accept webhooks and print values that would be sent to Zabbix Server without actually sending
  • -v/--verbose: Increase logging to the console for troubleshooting purposes


I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the Modified BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details


~504K SLoC