Cargo Features

yew-stdweb = { version = "0.18.0", default-features = false, features = ["std_web", "httpbin_test", "echo_server_test", "services", "agent", "yaml", "msgpack", "cbor", "console_error_panic_hook", "gloo", "js-sys", "toml", "wasm-bindgen", "wasm-bindgen-futures"] }
default = agent, services, std_web

These default features are set whenever yew-stdweb is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std_web default = stdweb

Affects listener::EventListener

doc_test wasm_test httpbin_test
services default

Affects yew-stdweb::services

agent default = bincode

Affects yew-stdweb::agent, yew-stdweb::prelude.worker

yaml = serde_yaml

Affects format::yaml

msgpack = rmp-serde

Affects format::msgpack

cbor = serde_cbor

Affects format::cbor

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

bincode agent

Affects format::bincode

console_error_panic_hook implicit feature

Enables console_error_panic_hook


A panic hook for wasm32-unknown-unknown that logs panics to console.error

gloo implicit feature

Enables gloo ^0.2.1


A modular toolkit for Rust and WebAssembly

js-sys implicit feature
rmp-serde msgpack?

Enables rmp-serde ^0.14.0

serde_cbor cbor?
serde_yaml yaml?

Enables serde_yaml ^0.8.3

stdweb std_web
toml implicit feature

Enables toml ^0.5

Affects format::toml

wasm-bindgen implicit feature

Enables wasm-bindgen


Easy support for interacting between JS and Rust

wasm-bindgen-futures implicit feature

Enables wasm-bindgen-futures


Bridging the gap between Rust Futures and JavaScript Promises