#yew #css #webasm #web #purecss

yanked yew-patternfly-v3

PatternFly v3 components for Yew

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 16, 2023

#36 in #webasm



It's PatternFly v3, but for Yew in Rust.

Warning: This is in early development and it is possible it won't be finished if there is no interest. Don't use this in production! Please help or leave a star to let me know you are interested in this project.



Yew Purecss - Pure.css components for Yew

This crate provides PatternFly v3 components made to be used with the Yew framework. It aims to make an easy, as intuitive as possible development experience for integrating PatternFly v3 into your Yew frontends.

Generally speaking, it aims to provide a Rust API for ideally* all elements, components, helpers etc. that you would be able to use in CSS/HTML or other frontend frameworks, such as Angular or React.

* It might not be possible to expose everything in the same manner as with JavaScript, but wherever it is, this crate will try and implement them.

Supported Targets (for Yew Client-Side Rendering only)

  • wasm32-unknown-unknown


Since it is in the early stages of development, no complete example is made yet.


~273K SLoC