#ed25519 #signature #curve25519

no-std xpx-chain-crypto

Fast and efficient ed25519 EdDSA key generations, signing, and verification in pure Rust

2 stable releases

1.0.8 Jun 27, 2024

#1791 in Cryptography

Used in xpx-chain-sdk


888 lines

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ProximaX Sirius Blockchain Crypto Rust

Official ProximaX Sirius Blockchain implementation ed26619 encryption modules for Rust.

The ProximaX Sirius Blockchain Crypto Rust works as a lightweight Rust library for interacting with the Sirius Blockchain.


First, add this to your Cargo.toml:

xpx-chain-crypto = { git = "https://github.com/proximax-storage/rust-xpx-crypto" }


use xpx_chain_crypto::{Keypair, PublicKey, SecretKey, Signature};

fn main() {
    let sk_hex =

    let message: &[u8] = b"ProximaX Limited";

    let secret_key: SecretKey = SecretKey::from_bytes(&sk_hex).unwrap();
    println!("PrivateKey: {:?}", hex::encode(secret_key.to_bytes()));

    let public_key: PublicKey = PublicKey::from(&secret_key);
    println!("PublicKey: \t{:?}", hex::encode(public_key.to_bytes()));

    let key_pair = Keypair {
        secret: secret_key,
        public: public_key,

    println!("PublicKey: \t{:?}", key_pair.public);

    let sig: Signature = key_pair.sign(&message);
    println!("Sig: \t\t{:?}", hex::encode(sig.to_bytes().to_vec()));
    println!("Verify: \t{}", key_pair.verify(&message, &sig).is_ok());


~60K SLoC