7 releases
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.6 | Mar 16, 2018 |
0.1.5 | Mar 8, 2018 |
#1593 in Algorithms
165 lines
A simple implementation of the XorShift128+ pseudorandom number generator in Rust.
Simple usage example:
xorshift128plus-rs = "0.1.3"
extern crate xorshift128plus_rs;
use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH, SystemTime};
use xorshift128plus_rs::XorShift128Plus;
fn main() {
//Create a new PRNG using a hard-coded seed
let mut prng = XorShift128Plus::new(1337);
//Create a new seed for the PRNG each time the application is run using system time
let seed = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().subsec_nanos() as u64;
//Re-seed the PRNG using the time-based seed
//Perform the XorShift128Plus algorithm and return the next generated u64 number as is.
//This method of number generation carries the least overhead, and all other functions are
//convenience functions that does result in some more overhead, but it might be more efficient
//for you to do this and then wrangle the result into the desired type yourself.
//Allso, the correctness of the other functions is still questionable, at best...
let next = prng.next();
//Generate a pseudorandom i16 value
let unsigned = prng.generate::<i16>();
//Generate a pseudorandom f32 value between 0.0 and 1.0.
//Usefull for scaling of other values.
let factor = prng.random_factor();
//Generate a pseudorandom bool based on on a chance input.
//Usefull for picking the outcome of a random "dice roll" with a certain chance.
//Input range is 0.0 - 1.0, where 0.0 guarantees faliure and 1.0 guarantees success.
let chance = prng.chance(0.5);
//Generate a pseudorandom i8 numbers in the range between -32 and 32;
let signed_byte = prng.range(-32_i8, 32_i8);
//Generate a pseudorandom f64 numbers in the range between -1234.56 and 6543.21;
let double = prng.range(-1234.56_f64, 6543.21_f64);