Cargo Features

wlroots = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false, features = ["static", "libcap", "systemd", "elogind", "x11_backend", "xwayland", "xcb_errors", "xcb_icccm", "unstable"] }
default = elogind, libcap, systemd, x11_backend, xwayland

These default features are set whenever wlroots is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enables static of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0

libcap default

Enables libcap of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0

systemd default

Enables systemd of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0

elogind default

Enables elogind of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0

x11_backend default

Enables x11_backend of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0

xwayland default

Enables xwayland of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0


Enables xcb_errors of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0


Enables xcb_icccm of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0


Enables unstable of wlroots-sys ^0.4.0

Affects wlroots::compositor, wlroots::extensions, wlroots::render, wlroots::xwayland, wlroots::backend, render::matrix, types::input, types::output, types::area, types::seat, types::surface, types::shell, types::data_device