#numbers #division #divide #fun #generic #accept #resut

bin+lib without_div_sym

A fun program to divide between two numbers without the division sign. using some bit wise operation.

1 unstable release

0.1.1 Sep 9, 2022
0.1.0 Sep 9, 2022

#6 in #divide

33 downloads per month


51 lines

Contains the geneic function which takes generic type of 2 numbers and returns their resut when divided


let a  = 7;
let b = 2;
assert_eq!(Some(3), without_div_sym::divide(a,b));


This crate doesnt accept floating point number yet. i will work on that on next versions. the example below will cause an error

let a = 15.0;
let b = 5.0;
assert_eq!(some(3.0), without_div_sym::divide(a,b)); // This wont complie, it will bring out an error


Without Divisor Symbol

This crate is just a fun play not to be taken serious. if you realy want to do division, just use the divisor(/) symbol in your program. This is just for learning purposes.

