#api-bindings #wegli #weg-li


Making working with the weg.li API more convenient

5 releases

0.1.4 Dec 26, 2024
0.1.3 Dec 21, 2024
0.1.2 Dec 20, 2024
0.1.1 Dec 18, 2024
0.1.0 Dec 14, 2024

#236 in Compression

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


weg_li_api aims to make working with the weg.li API more convenient in Rust.

It currently focuses on the read APIs, implementing the defined GET methods.

This inofficial project is not affiliated with or endorsed by weg.li.

Basic usage

  1. Get a personalized API token from weg.li. You can find it on your Profile page after creating an account.

  2. Create a WegLiApiClient.

    let client = weg_li_api::WegLiApiClient::new(
  3. Execute API calls

    let charges = client.get_charges().await?;
    let my_zip = "20095";
    let district = client.get_district(&my_zip.to_owned()).await?;

Get notice export archive

Most functions interact with a single REST API endpoint. There also is a convenience function to download the latest notices export zip archive and unzip it if desired.

// if the unzip argument is false, returns path of the zip file
let notices_zip_path = client.download_latest_export(&"/tmp/weg_li".to_owned(), true, false).await?;
// if the unzip argument is true, returns path of the extracted .csv
let unzipped_csv_path = client.download_latest_export(&"/tmp/weg_li".to_owned(), true, true).await?;

You can then process the data as you wish. For parsing, weg_li_api provides structs of the export notice format you could e.g. use like this with the csv crate:

use weg_li_api::types::export::{ExportNotice, ExportNoticeCsv};

let mut reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new()
for notice_line_result in reader.deserialize() {
    // data as in csv
    let notice_json: ExportNoticeCsv = notice_line_result?;
    // datetime fields converted to chrono DateTime<FixedOffset>
    let notice = ExportNotice::try_from(&notice_json)?;


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


~359K SLoC