#web-scraping #html #content #website #tags #scrape #div


A rust crate, that is used to get html from a website, and scrape the content in it

0.1.0 May 3, 2024

#1875 in Web programming

BSL-1.0 license

267 lines


A rust crate, that is used to get html from a website, and scrape the content in it


The following code is an example of how to use it, it gets the html in the rust lang website, then it looks for all the div tags, and gets the contents inside of it

use web_scraper::site::get_html;
use web_scraper::HtmlTag;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync>> {
    let file = get_html("https://rust-lang.org").await.unwrap();
    // Define the tag you want to parse
    let tag = HtmlTag::DIV;
    // Parse the <div> tags and collect the results into a vector
    let new_vector = tag.parse_tags(&file);

    // Print the parsed <div> tags
    for li_tag in &new_vector {
        println!("{}", li_tag);



~295K SLoC