These reviews are from Crev, a distributed system for code reviews. To add your review, set up cargo-crev.

0.13.0 (current) Rating: Positive Thoroughness: Low Understanding: Low

by MaulingMonkey on 2019-09-03

0.13.0: RON support, lockfile/CI changes. LGTM. 0.12.0: Looks good to me. Some of the finer points are a little obtuse to me (RE: reloads, dependencies, an the inspect trait.)


File Rating Notes
examples/toml/hello.html +1
examples/toml/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
tests/ +1
.cargo_vcs_info.json +1
.cargo-ok +1
.gitignore +1
.travis.yml +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1 +1
rustfmt.toml +1 Ew 2 space indents gross
Other Rating Notes
unsafe +1 No unsafe code
fs +1 Nothing fishy
io +1 Nothing fishy
docs +1 Good god there are a lot. Needs more concrete motivating examples though.
tests +1


Line What Notes
12 Key 'static lifetime... minor leak? but I probably don't care?


cargo-sync-readme cargo-outdated

The current version of warmy is 0.13.0.

0.12.0 (older version) Rating: Positive Thoroughness: Low Understanding: Low

by MaulingMonkey on 2019-08-28

Show review…

Looks good to me. Some of the finer points are a little obtuse to me (RE: reloads, dependencies, an the inspect trait.)


File Rating Notes
examples/toml/hello.html +1
examples/toml/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
src/ +1
tests/ +1
.cargo_vcs_info.json +1
.cargo-ok +1
.gitignore +1
.travis.yml +1
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1 +1
rustfmt.toml +1 Ew 2 space indents gross
Other Rating Notes
unsafe +1 No unsafe code
fs +1 Nothing fishy
io +1 Nothing fishy
docs +1 Good god there are a lot. Needs more concrete motivating examples though.
tests +1


Line What Notes
12 Key 'static lifetime... minor leak? but I probably don't care?


cargo-sync-readme cargo-outdated

Crates in the registry are tarball snapshots uploaded by crates' publishers. The registry is not using crates' git repositories. There is absolutely no guarantee that the repository URL declared by the crate belongs to the crate, or that the code in the repository is the code inside the published tarball. To review the actual code of the crate, it's best to use cargo crev open warmy. Alternatively, you can download the tarball of warmy v0.13.0 or view the source online.