8 releases
0.3.1 | Nov 18, 2023 |
0.3.0 | Jun 11, 2020 |
0.2.2 | May 24, 2020 |
0.2.1 | Apr 14, 2020 |
0.1.0 | Mar 29, 2020 |
#621 in WebAssembly
37 downloads per month
Used in wain
is a crate to execute a WebAssembly abstract syntax tree.
Execution logic is defined in spec
This crate is part of larger wain project.
wain-exec = "0"
This crate assumes given Wasm syntax tree was validated.
It takes wain_ast::Module
value and validates it. The tree can be parsed by wain-syntax-binary
and wain-syntax-text
parsers and validated by wain-validate
Using wain_exec::execute()
is the easiest way. It invokes a start function in given module if presents.
Otherwise it invokes a function exported as _start
extern crate wain_syntax_binary;
extern crate wain_validate;
extern crate wain_exec;
use std::fs;
use std::process::exit;
use wain_syntax_binary::parse;
use wain_validate::validate;
use wain_exec::execute;
// Read wasm binary
let source = fs::read("foo.wasm").unwrap();
// Parse binary into syntax tree
let tree = match parse(&source) {
Ok(tree) => tree,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Could not parse: {}", err);
// Validate module
if let Err(err) = validate(&tree) {
eprintln!("This .wasm file is invalid!: {}", err);
// Execute module
if let Err(trap) = execute(&tree.module) {
eprintln!("Execution was trapped: {}", trap);
Or invoke specific exported function with arguments
// ...(snip)
use wain_exec::{Runtime, DefaultImporter, Value};
use std::io;
// Create default importer to call external function supported by default
let stdin = io::stdin();
let stdout = io::stdout();
let importer = DefaultImporter::with_stdio(stdin.lock(), stdout.lock());
// Make abstract machine runtime. It instantiates a module instance
let mut runtime = match Runtime::instantiate(&tree.module, importer) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("could not instantiate module: {}", err);
// Let's say `int add(int, int)` is exported
match runtime.invoke("add", &[Value::I32(10), Value::I32(32)]) {
Ok(ret) => {
// `ret` is type of `Option<Value>` where it contains `Some` value when the invoked
// function returned a value. Otherwise it's `None` value.
if let Some(Value::I32(i)) = ret {
println!("10 + 32 = {}", i);
} else {
Err(trap) => eprintln!("Execution was trapped: {}", trap),
Trap is returned as Err
of Result
buffers stdin and stdout by default for now (this behavior may change in
the future). If this behavior is not acceptable, please specify your io::Write
for stdout/stdin at wain_exec::Runtime::new()
. Then run the module by wain_exec::Runtime::invoke()
By default, only following C functions are supported in env
module are supported as external functions
int putchar(int)
(in wasm(func (param i32) (result i32))
)int getchar(void)
(in wasm(func (param) (result i32))
)void *memcpy(void *, void *, size_t)
(in wasm(func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))
)void abort(void)
(in wasm(func (param) (result))
But you can implement your own struct which implements wain_exec::Importer
for defining external
functions from Rust side.
extern crate wain_exec;
extern crate wain_ast;
use wain_exec::{Runtime, Stack, Memory, Importer, ImportInvokeError, ImportInvalidError}
use wain_ast::ValType;
struct YourOwnImporter {
// ...
impl Importer for YourOwnImporter {
fn validate(&self, name: &str, params: &[ValType], ret: Option<ValType>) -> Option<ImportInvalidError> {
// `name` is a name of function to validate. `params` and `ret` are the function's signature.
// Return ImportInvalidError::NotFound when the name is unknown.
// Return ImportInvalidError::SignatureMismatch when signature does not match.
// wain_exec::check_func_signature() utility is would be useful for the check.
fn call(&mut self, name: &str, stack: &mut Stack, memory: &mut Memory) -> Result<(), ImportInvokeError> {
// Implement your own function call. `name` is a name of function and you have full access
// to stack and linear memory. Pop values from stack for getting arguments and push value to
// set return value.
// Note: Consistency between imported function signature and implementation of this method
// is your responsibility.
// On invocation failure, return ImportInvokeError::Fatal. It is trapped by interpreter and it
// stops execution immediately.
let ast = ...; // Parse abstract syntax tree and validate it
let mut runtime = Runtime::instantiate(&ast.module, YourOwnImporter{ /* ... */ }).unwrap();
let result = runtime.invoke("do_something", &[]);
Working examples can be seen at examples/api/ directory
Please read documentation (not yet) for details.
Thanks to validation, checks at runtime are minimal (e.g. function signature on indirect call).
- Allocate memory, table, global variables. Initialize stack
- Interpret syntax tree nodes pushing/popping values to/from stack
Currently wain interprets a Wasm syntax tree directly. I'm planning to define an intermediate representation which can be interpreted faster.
Entrypoint is 'start function' which is defined either
- Function set in
section - Exported function named
in export section
The 1. is a standard entrypoint but Clang does not emit start
section. Instead it handles _start
function as entrypoint. wain implements both entrypoints (1. is prioritized).