Cargo Features

vte-rs has no features set by default.

vte-rs = { version = "0.4.0", features = ["v0_40", "v0_42", "v0_44", "v0_46", "v0_48"] }
v0_40 v0_42?

Enables v0_40 of vte-sys

Affects terminal::TerminalExt.get_word_char_exceptions, terminal::TerminalExt.set_word_char_exceptions, terminal::TerminalExt.connect_property_word_char_exceptions_notify

v0_42 v0_44? = v0_40

Enables v0_42 of vte-sys

v0_44 v0_46? = v0_42

Enables v0_44 of vte-sys

Affects terminal::TerminalExt.set_color_cursor_foreground

v0_46 v0_48? = v0_44

Enables v0_46 of vte-sys

v0_48 = v0_46

Enables v0_48 of vte-sys

Affects terminal::TerminalExt.spawn_async