#visual-studio #cli #extension #version #action #service #vidyano

yanked vidyano-cli

A CLI version of the Vidyano Visual Studio extension

Uses old Rust 2015

0.3.0 Apr 22, 2018

#33 in #visual-studio

MIT license

65 lines

vidyano-cli Build Status

A CLI version of the Vidyano Visual Studio extension


Features that are not marked with '-- DONE' are not implemented yet or aren't finished

  • Create custom actions -- DONE
  • Create PersistentObject actions -- DONE
  • Create new Vidyano projects from scratch


Create a .vidyano.yml file in your project's root directory.
Copy this into the .vidyano.yml file and update the attributes accordingly.

namespace: MyProject.Service
namespace_custom_actions: MyProject.Service.CustomActions
namespace_persistentobject_actions: MyProject.Service
context: MyProjectEntityModelContainer
folder_service: Service
folder_custom_actions: Service/CustomActions
folder_persistentobject_actions: Service

vidyano --custom-action <action name> to create a new custom action class with that name.
vidyano --persistentobject-actions <entity name> to create a new PersistentObject actions class for that entity.


~98K SLoC