3 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.2 Jul 4, 2016
0.1.1 Jul 4, 2016
0.1.0 Jul 2, 2016

MIT license

462 lines

video-metadata-rs Build Status Build status

This library provides a little wrapper to get the metadata of the following video types:

  • WebM
  • MP4
  • Ogg

Other video/file types will return an error.


extern crate video_metadata;

use video_metadata::enums;

fn main() {
    match video_metadata::get_format("your_video_file") {
        enums::Result::Complete(m) => {
            println!("format: {:?}", m.format);
            println!("duration: {:?}", m.duration);
            println!("size: {}x{}", m.size.width, m.size.height);
            println!("video codec: {}", m.video);
            if let Some(audio) = m.audio {
                println!("audio codec: {}", audio);
        enums::Result::Unknown(s) => {
            println!("Unknown format: '{}'", s);


Please note that I'm using the version 3 of the following libraries:

  • libavformat
  • libavcodec
  • libavutil

You can find more information on their repository.
