1 unstable release

0.1.0-alpha.4 Feb 17, 2024

#684 in Authentication

Download history 183/week @ 2024-02-11 63/week @ 2024-02-18 44/week @ 2024-02-25 2/week @ 2024-03-03 26/week @ 2024-03-31 81/week @ 2024-04-14

107 downloads per month

MIT/Apache and GPL-3.0-only


OpenID for Verifiable Presentations

TODO: Add contents


OpenID for Verifiable Presentations

A mechanism on top of OAuth 2.0 to request and present Verifiable Credentials as Verifiable Presentations.

OpenID for Verifiable Presentations introduces the VP Token as a container to enable End-Users to present Verifiable Presentations to Verifiers using the Wallet. A VP Token contains one or more Verifiable Presentations in the same or different Credential formats.

As per the OpenID for Verifiable Presentations specification OpenID.VP, this library supports the response being sent using either a redirect (same-device flow) or an HTTPS POST request (cross-device flow). This enables the response to be sent across devices, or when the response size exceeds the redirect URL character size limitation.

Same Device Flow

The End-User presents a Credential to a Verifier interacting with the End-User on the same device that the device the Wallet resides on.

The flow utilizes simple redirects to pass Authorization Request and Response between the Verifier and the Wallet. The Verifiable Presentations are returned to the Verifier in the fragment part of the redirect URI, when Response Mode is fragment.

+--------------+   +--------------+                                    +--------------+
|     User     |   |   Verifier   |                                    |    Wallet    |
+--------------+   +--------------+                                    +--------------+
        |                 |                                                   |
        |    Interacts    |                                                   |
        |---------------->|                                                   |
        |                 |  (1) Authorization Request                        |
        |                 |  (Presentation Definition)                        |
        |                 |-------------------------------------------------->|
        |                 |                                                   |
        |                 |                                                   |
        |   User Authentication / Consent                                     |
        |                 |                                                   |
        |                 |  (2)   Authorization Response                     |
        |                 |  (VP Token with Verifiable Presentation(s))       |
        |                 |<--------------------------------------------------|

Cross Device Flow

The End-User presents a Credential to a Verifier interacting with the End-User on a different device as the device the Wallet resides on (or where response size the redirect URL character size).

In this flow the Verifier prepares an Authorization Request and renders it as a QR Code. The User then uses the Wallet to scan the QR Code. The Verifiable Presentations are sent to the Verifier in a direct HTTPS POST request to a URL controlled by the Verifier. The flow uses the Response Type "vp_token" in conjunction with the Response Mode "direct_post". In order to keep the size of the QR Code small and be able to sign and optionally encrypt the Request Object, the actual Authorization Request contains just a Request URI, which the wallet uses to retrieve the actual Authorization Request data.

+--------------+   +--------------+                                    +--------------+
|     User     |   |   Verifier   |                                    |    Wallet    |
|              |   |  (device A)  |                                    |  (device B)  |
+--------------+   +--------------+                                    +--------------+
        |                 |                                                   |
        |    Interacts    |                                                   |
        |---------------->|                                                   |
        |                 |  (1) Authorization Request                        |
        |                 |      (Request URI)                                |
        |                 |-------------------------------------------------->|
        |                 |                                                   |
        |                 |  (2) Request the Request Object                   |
        |                 |<--------------------------------------------------|
        |                 |                                                   |
        |                 |  (2.5) Respond with the Request Object            |
        |                 |      (Presentation Definition)                    |
        |                 |-------------------------------------------------->|
        |                 |                                                   |
        |   User Authentication / Consent                                     |
        |                 |                                                   |
        |                 |  (3)   Authorization Response as HTTPS POST       |
        |                 |  (VP Token with Verifiable Presentation(s))       |
        |                 |<--------------------------------------------------|

JWT VC Presentation Profile

The JWT VC Presentation Profile defines a set of requirements against existing specifications to enable the interoperable presentation of Verifiable Credentials (VCs) between Wallets and Verifiers.

The vercre-vp library has been implemented to support the profile's recommendations.


~287K SLoC