Cargo Features

validators = { version = "0.25.3", default-features = false, features = ["std", "full", "derive", "byte-unit-u128", "all-validators", "base32", "base32_decoded", "base64", "base64_decoded", "base64_url", "base64_url_decoded", "bit", "boolean", "byte", "domain", "email", "host", "http_url", "http_ftp_url", "ip", "ipv4", "ipv6", "json", "length", "line", "mac_address", "number", "phone", "regex", "semver", "semver_req", "signed_integer", "text", "unsigned_integer", "url", "uuid", "data-encoding", "idna", "byte-unit", "url-dep", "str-utils", "serde_json", "phonenumber", "regex-dep", "semver-dep", "serde", "rocket", "test"] }
default = all-validators, derive, std

These default features are set whenever validators is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default domain? email? host? ip? ipv4? ipv6? phonenumber? regex-dep? rocket? url-dep?

Enables std of optional byte-unit, optional data-encoding, optional idna, optional semver, optional serde, optional serde_json, and optional validators-derive


Provide impls for common standard library types like Vec<T> and HashMap<K, V>.
Requires a dependency on the Rust standard library.


Enables full of optional validators-derive

derive default

Enables validators-derive


Enables u128 of optional byte-unit

all-validators default = base32, base32_decoded, base64, base64_decoded, base64_url, base64_url_decoded, bit, boolean, byte, domain, email, host, http_ftp_url, http_url, ip, ipv4, ipv6, json, length, line, mac_address, number, phone, regex, semver, semver_req, signed_integer, text, unsigned_integer, url, uuid
base32 all-validators

Enables base32 of optional validators-derive

base32_decoded all-validators = data-encoding

Enables base32_decoded of optional validators-derive

base64 all-validators

Enables base64 of optional validators-derive

base64_decoded all-validators = data-encoding

Enables base64_decoded of optional validators-derive

base64_url all-validators

Enables base64_url of optional validators-derive

base64_url_decoded all-validators = data-encoding

Enables base64_url_decoded of optional validators-derive

bit all-validators

Enables bit of byte-unit and optional validators-derive

boolean all-validators

Enables boolean of optional validators-derive

byte all-validators

Enables byte of byte-unit and optional validators-derive

domain all-validators = idna, std

Enables domain of optional validators-derive

email all-validators = idna, std

Enables email of optional validators-derive

host all-validators = idna, std

Enables host of optional validators-derive

http_url all-validators = str-utils, url

Enables http_url of optional validators-derive

http_ftp_url all-validators = str-utils, url

Enables http_ftp_url of optional validators-derive

ip all-validators = std

Enables ip of optional validators-derive

ipv4 all-validators = std

Enables ipv4 of optional validators-derive

ipv6 all-validators = std

Enables ipv6 of optional validators-derive

json all-validators = serde_json

Enables json of optional validators-derive

length all-validators

Enables length of optional validators-derive

line all-validators

Enables line of optional validators-derive

mac_address all-validators

Enables mac_address of optional validators-derive

number all-validators

Enables number of optional validators-derive

phone all-validators = phonenumber

Enables phone of optional validators-derive

regex all-validators = regex-dep

Enables regex of optional validators-derive

semver all-validators = semver-dep

Enables semver of optional validators-derive

semver_req all-validators = semver-dep

Enables semver_req of optional validators-derive

signed_integer all-validators

Enables signed_integer of optional validators-derive

text all-validators

Enables text of optional validators-derive

unsigned_integer all-validators

Enables unsigned_integer of optional validators-derive

url all-validators http_ftp_url? http_url? = url-dep

Enables url of optional validators-derive

uuid all-validators

Enables uuid of optional validators-derive

data-encoding base32_decoded? base64_decoded? base64_url_decoded?

Enables data-encoding

idna domain? email? host?

Enables idna

byte-unit bit? byte?

Enables byte-unit

url-dep url? = std

Enables url

str-utils http_ftp_url? http_url?

Enables str-utils

serde_json json? = serde

Enables serde_json

phonenumber phone? = std

Enables phonenumber

regex-dep regex? = std

Enables regex

semver-dep semver? semver_req?

Enables semver

serde serde_json?

Enables serde, serde of optional byte-unit and optional semver, serde of optional url and optional validators-derive

rocket = std

Enables rocket, rocket of optional byte-unit, rocket of optional validators-derive


Enables test of optional validators-derive

Affects validators::test