#unix #platform #permissions #traits #exposed #trivial #function


A trivial trait bringing missing functions that are not exposed by PermissionsExt to Permissions on UNIX platforms

3 releases

0.1.2 Oct 8, 2022
0.1.1 Oct 7, 2022
0.1.0 Oct 7, 2022

#1098 in Filesystem

34 downloads per month


281 lines


BUILD crates.io docs.rs

A trivial trait bringing missing functions that are not exposed by std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt to std::fs::Permissions on UNIX platforms.

pub trait UNIXPermissionsExt {
    fn set_uid(&self) -> bool;
    fn set_gid(&self) -> bool;
    fn sticky_bit(&self) -> bool;
    fn readable_by_owner(&self) -> bool;
    fn writable_by_owner(&self) -> bool;
    fn executable_by_owner(&self) -> bool;
    fn readable_by_group(&self) -> bool;
    fn writable_by_group(&self) -> bool;
    fn executable_by_group(&self) -> bool;
    fn readable_by_other(&self) -> bool;
    fn writable_by_other(&self) -> bool;
    fn executable_by_other(&self) -> bool;
    fn stringify(&self) -> String;

impl UNIXPermissionsExt for Permissions {


  1. Add it to your dependency:

    $ cd $YOUR_PROJECT
    $ cargo add unix_permissions_ext
  2. Import this trait and use it just like you are using the standard library!

    use std::fs::metadata;
    use unix_permissions_ext::UNIXPermissionsExt;
    let metadata = metadata("/usr/bin/passwd").expect("can not fetch metadata");
    let permission = metadata.permissions();
    println!("Permission: {}", permission.stringify());
  3. To use these functions directly with the mode_t type, consider importing raw_fn module:

    use unix_permissions_ext::raw_fn::*;


Contributions of all forms are welcome, feel free to file an issue or make a pull request!

Test before your commit

  1. Pass the tests

    $ cargo test
  2. Format your code

    $ cargo fmt

No runtime deps