#unicode #table #format #library


Table formatting library using Unicode Box-drawing characters

3 unstable releases

1.0.0 Feb 7, 2021
0.3.1 Mar 10, 2021
0.3.0 Feb 10, 2021
0.2.0 Feb 7, 2021

#232 in Value formatting


295 lines

Rust table formatting library using Unicode Box-drawing characters.

Crates.io docs.rs

NOTE: the version that was previously 1.0.0 has become 0.3.0.

Example usage

use unicode_prettytable::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
    let input = vec![
        vec!["oh hello there", "hello there", "hello"],
        vec!["hello there", "oh hello there", "hello"],
        vec!["oh hello there", "hello", "hello there"],
        vec!["oh hello there", "hello there", "hello"],
        vec!["oh hello there", "hello there", "hello"],

    // uses double bar characters for header and centers text within columns
    let table1 = TableBuilder::default()

    // does not use double bar characters for header, but centers header text within columns
    let table2 = TableBuilder::default()

    // uses default header settings
    let table3 = TableBuilder::default()

    println!("{}\n", table1);
    println!("{}\n", table2);
    println!("{}", table3);


The code above outputs

│  oh hello there  │  hello there  │   hello   │
│hello there       │oh hello there │hello      │
│oh hello there    │hello          │hello there│
│oh hello there    │hello there    │hello      │
│oh hello there    │hello there    │hello      │

│  oh hello there  │  hello there  │   hello   │
│hello there       │oh hello there │hello      │
│oh hello there    │hello          │hello there│
│oh hello there    │hello there    │hello      │
│oh hello there    │hello there    │hello      │

│oh hello there│hello there   │hello      │
│hello there   │oh hello there│hello      │
│oh hello there│hello         │hello there│
│oh hello there│hello there   │hello      │
│oh hello there│hello there   │hello      │


Licensed under either of

at your option.

License of your contributions

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~43K SLoC