unicode-general-category is used at run time in 131 crates (of which 19 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 12 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 6 crates.

Number of dependers unicode-general-category version Downloads/month
1 1.0.0 6.8K
99 0.6.0 72K
1 0.5.1 32
26 0.4.0 4.4K
6 0.3.0 600
4 0.2.0 2.0K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) unicode-general-category version
3.1K 4 allsorts ^0.6.0
1.8K 21 markdown-it >=0.1.0, <0.7
1.6K 1 mxmlextrema-as3parser ^0.6.0
750 json-five ^1.0
350 1 boa_unicode ^0.6.0
180 1 allsorts-subset-browser ^0.6.0
150 hx-lsp ^0.6.0
4 as3_parser ^0.6.0
confab ^0.6.0
jex ^0.2.0
allsorts_no_std ^0.3.0
hydroper_jet_compiler ^0.6.0