#dns-resolver #dnssec #dns #cache #wraps #validation #libunbound


Wraps libunbound; an implementation of a DNS resolver including cache and DNSSEC validation

3 releases (breaking)

Uses old Rust 2015

0.6.0 Sep 20, 2017
0.5.0 Aug 20, 2017
0.4.0 Jan 1, 2017
0.3.0 Dec 24, 2016
0.1.0 Nov 29, 2015

#21 in #wraps


411 lines

This crate wraps libunbound from NLnet Labs. libunbound is an implementation of a DNS resolver, including cache and DNSSEC validation.

The interface provided follows libunbound closely. Transliterations of the libunbound tutorials can be found in examples.


libunbound depends on OpenSSL which this crate relies on rust-openssl to provide.

The following environment variables influence the build process:

  • UNBOUND_STATIC- If specified libunbound will be linked statically.
  • UNBOUND_DIR - Directory in which libunbound's include and lib folders may be found.


Crate unbound wraps libunbound from NLnet Labs. libunbound is an implementation of a DNS resolver, including cache and DNSSEC validation.

The interface provided follows libunbound closely:

  • ub_ctx is wrapped by Context. OpenSSL is initialised when a Context is substantiated. Functions from libunbound that operate on ub_ctx are accessed using methods on Context.

  • ub_result is wrapped by Answer. Methods on Answer are used to safely access the fields of ub_result.

