Cargo Features

uefi = { version = "0.28.0", default-features = false, features = ["alloc", "unstable", "logger", "global_allocator", "panic_handler", "panic-on-logger-errors", "qemu"] }
default = panic-on-logger-errors

The panic-on-logger-errors feature is set by default whenever uefi is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Affects uefi::fs, polyfill::vec_into_raw_parts, file::File.get_boxed_info, runtime::VariableKey, file::File.get_boxed_info_in


Generic gate to code that uses unstable features of Rust. You usually need a nightly toolchain.

Affects file::File.get_boxed_info_in


Helper features:

Affects logger::init

panic_handler qemu?
panic-on-logger-errors default

Ignore text output errors in logger as a workaround for firmware issues that were observed on the VirtualBox UEFI implementation (see uefi-rs#121).
In those cases, this feature can be excluded by removing the default features.

qemu = panic_handler

panic_handler: logical, not technical dependency

Enables qemu-exit