2 releases
0.1.1 | Sep 12, 2024 |
0.1.0 | Sep 11, 2024 |
#86 in Visualization
BMS BLE tool
This is a tool for interacting with some customer-grade Battery Management Systems (BMS).
Inplemented features
- Discovering compatible BLE devices
- Identifying devices by address or name
- Querying device info
- Fetching cells data
- Command-line interface
- Prometheus exporter
- Prometheus push gateway client
Supported models and firmware versions
Vendor | Model | HW Version | SW Version |
JiKong BMS | BD4A8S4P | 15A | 15.26 |
I'm happy to add support for other models in the future. Please open PR or create issue.
Crate usage examples
Get device info and cells data by device name:
use btleplug::{api::Manager as _, platform::Manager};
use ubmsc::Client;
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let manager = Manager::new().await?;
let adapter = manager
.ok_or("No adapters found")?;
let client = Client::new(&adapter, &"UPS_BMS".into(), &Default::default());
let info = client.device_info().await?;
let data = client.cell_data().await?;
Find available BMS devices and print device info:
use btleplug::{api::Manager as _, platform::Manager};
use ubmsc::Client;
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let manager = Manager::new().await?;
let adapter = manager
.ok_or("No adapters found")?;
for device in Client::find(&adapter, &Default::default()).await? {
let client = Client::new(&adapter, &"UPS_BMS".into(), &Default::default());
let name = client.device_name().await?;
let info = client.device_info().await?;
Command-line usage examples
Show help:
$ ubmsc --help`
Usage: ubmsc [-v] [-l <filter>] [-j] [-t <seconds>] [-r <seconds>] [-d <address...>]
[-f <format>] [-i] [-c] [-e] [-p] [-u <url>] [-s <seconds>]
Battery Management Systems (BMS) interface.
When passed both -e and -p options push client will be run in continuous mode with specified interval.
-v, --version Show version and exit.
-l, --log <filter> Logging filter (example: jk_bms=debug)
-j, --journal Enable log to journald (log to stderr by default)
-t, --scan-timeout <seconds> Bluetooth scanning timeout in seconds (30 by default)
-r, --request-timeout <seconds> Bluetooth request timeout in seconds (5 by default)
-d, --devices <address> Device addresses or names (will try to scan if nothing passed)
-f, --format <format> Data format: rust(r) (by default) rust-pretty(R) json(j)
json-pretty(J) yaml(y) toml(t) toml-pretty(T) metrics(m)
-i, --device-info Show device info
-c, --cell-data Show cell data
-e, --exporter Run prometheus exporter
-p, --push Run prometheus push gateway client
-u, --url <url> Prometheus exporter URL to listen/connect
-s, --scrape-interval <seconds> Metrics scraping interval (60s by default)
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Get device info by device name and output in JSON format:
$ ubmsc -f J -i -d UPS_BMS
"device_info": [
"device_model": "JK_BD4A8S4P",
"hardware_version": "15A",
"software_version": "15.26",
"up_time": 1709100,
"poweron_times": 1,
"device_name": "UPS_BMS",
"device_passcode": "1234",
"manufacturing_date": "240818",
"serial_number": "40531310629",
"passcode": "000",
"userdata": "JK-BMS",
"setup_passcode": "123456789",
"userdata2": "JK-BMS"
Scan BLE to find devices and print device info and cells data in TOML format:
$ ubmsc -f t -i -c
device_model = "JK_BD4A8S4P"
hardware_version = "15A"
software_version = "15.26"
up_time = 1707500
poweron_times = 1
device_name = "UPS_BMS"
device_passcode = "1234"
manufacturing_date = "240818"
serial_number = "40531310629"
passcode = "000"
userdata = "JK-BMS"
setup_passcode = "123456789"
userdata2 = "JK-BMS"
cell_voltage = [2.384000062942505, 2.384000062942505, 2.383000135421753, 2.384000062942505, 2.384000062942505, 2.384000062942505]
average_cell_voltage = 2.384000062942505
delta_cell_voltage = 0.0010000000474974513
balance_current = 1.0240000486373901
cell_resistance = [0.1380000114440918, 0.13700000941753387, 0.14000000059604645, 0.1380000114440918, 0.13900001347064972, 0.13900001347064972]
battery_voltage = 14.304000854492188
battery_power = 2.2310001850128174
battery_current = 0.15600000321865082
battery_temperature = [23.200000762939453, 23.600000381469727]
mosfet_temperature = 25.399999618530273
remain_percent = 100
remain_capacity = 12.000000953674316
nominal_capacity = 12.000000953674316
cycle_count = 1
cycle_capacity = 18.464000701904297
up_time = 1707600
Show BMS cell data in Prometheus metrics format:
$ ubmsc -f metrics -c -d UPS_BMS
# HELP average_cell_voltage Average voltage of cells, V
# TYPE average_cell_voltage gauge
average_cell_voltage{device="UPS_BMS"} 2.385000228881836
# HELP balance_current Cells balance current, A
# TYPE balance_current gauge
balance_current{device="UPS_BMS"} 0
# HELP battery_current Current of battery, A
# TYPE battery_current gauge
battery_current{device="UPS_BMS"} 0.07800000160932541
# HELP battery_power Power of battery, W
# TYPE battery_power gauge
battery_power{device="UPS_BMS"} 1.1160000562667847
# HELP battery_temperature Temperatures of battery, ℃
# TYPE battery_temperature gauge
battery_temperature{cell="0",device="UPS_BMS"} 22.80000114440918
battery_temperature{cell="1",device="UPS_BMS"} 23.200000762939453
# HELP battery_voltage Voltage of battery, V
# TYPE battery_voltage gauge
battery_voltage{device="UPS_BMS"} 14.308000564575195
# HELP cell_resistance Resistances of cells, Ω
# TYPE cell_resistance gauge
cell_resistance{cell="0",device="UPS_BMS"} 0.1380000114440918
cell_resistance{cell="1",device="UPS_BMS"} 0.13700000941753387
cell_resistance{cell="2",device="UPS_BMS"} 0.14000000059604645
cell_resistance{cell="3",device="UPS_BMS"} 0.1380000114440918
cell_resistance{cell="4",device="UPS_BMS"} 0.13900001347064972
cell_resistance{cell="5",device="UPS_BMS"} 0.13900001347064972
# HELP cell_voltage Voltages of cells, V
# TYPE cell_voltage gauge
cell_voltage{cell="0",device="UPS_BMS"} 2.386000156402588
cell_voltage{cell="1",device="UPS_BMS"} 2.384000062942505
cell_voltage{cell="2",device="UPS_BMS"} 2.384000062942505
cell_voltage{cell="3",device="UPS_BMS"} 2.384000062942505
cell_voltage{cell="4",device="UPS_BMS"} 2.384000062942505
cell_voltage{cell="5",device="UPS_BMS"} 2.384000062942505
# HELP cycle_capacity Cycle capacity, A·h
# TYPE cycle_capacity counter
cycle_capacity{device="UPS_BMS"} 19.117000579833984
# HELP cycle_count Number of battery cicles
# TYPE cycle_count counter
cycle_count{device="UPS_BMS"} 1
# HELP delta_cell_voltage Delta voltage of cells, V
# TYPE delta_cell_voltage gauge
delta_cell_voltage{device="UPS_BMS"} 0
# HELP mosfet_temperature Temperature of mosfet, ℃
# TYPE mosfet_temperature gauge
mosfet_temperature{device="UPS_BMS"} 24.899999618530273
# HELP poweron_times Number of poweron cicles
# TYPE poweron_times counter
poweron_times{device="UPS_BMS"} 1
# HELP remain_capacity Remain capacity of battery, A·h
# TYPE remain_capacity gauge
remain_capacity{device="UPS_BMS"} 12.000000953674316
# HELP remain_percent Remain capacity of battery, %
# TYPE remain_percent gauge
remain_percent{device="UPS_BMS"} 100
# HELP up_time Time since last poweron, S
# TYPE up_time counter
up_time{device="UPS_BMS"} 1770773
Run prometheus exporter for specified devices (with logging to journald):
$ ubmsc -e -u -l ubmsc=debug -j -d UPS_BMS -d SOLAR_BMS
Run prometheus pushgateway client continuously to export to VictoriaMetrics:
$ ubmsc -e -p -u -l ubmsc=info -j -d UPS_BMS -d SOLAR_BMS
Alternative solutions
- MPP-Solar Python module and command-line tools to work with BMS. Has support several models of different vendors. Doesn't work with JK-BMS with latest firmwares (>11.x).
- esphome-jk-bms Component for ESPHome to interact with JK-BMS. Not tested.
~592K SLoC