#newtype #macro #secret #generate #type #fields #numbers

macro typed-fields

A collection of macros that generate newtypes

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 26, 2024

#350 in Procedural macros

33 downloads per month


176 lines

🦀 typed-fields

Do you like strongly-typed structs?

typed-fields is a collection of macros that generate types following the newtype pattern. The following types are currently supported:

  • name! - a string-based type
  • number! - a number-based type
  • secret! - a type for secrets (requires the secret feature)


The following example showcases the number! macro, which generates a new type that is backed by an i64.

use typed_fields::number;

// Define a new type that is backed by an `i64`

fn main() {
    // Create a new `UserId` from an `i64`
    let id = UserId::new(42);

    // Common traits like `Display` are automatically implemented for the type
    println!("User ID: {}", id);


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~19K SLoC