1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Jan 29, 2020 |
#14 in #twilio
197 lines
Twilio Rust: a very simple Twilio SMS API library written in Rust
use std::env::var;
use reqwest::StatusCode;
use twrs_sms;
fn main() -> Result<(), twrs_sms::TWRSError> {
let tw_to = var("TW_TO").expect("Error getting $TW_TO from the environment");
let tw_from = var("TW_FROM").expect("Error getting $TW_FROM from the environment");
let tw_sid = var("TW_SID").expect("Error getting $TW_SID from the environment");
let tw_token = var("TW_TOKEN").expect("Error getting $TW_TOKEN from the environment");
// Create the request body and encode the message for the API
let t: twrs_sms::TwilioSend = twrs_sms::TwilioSend{To: &tw_to, From: &tw_from, Body: "Hiya"};
let t_s = t.encode().expect("Error converting to url encoded string");
// Send the message to the API endpoint
let mut response = twrs_sms::send_message(&tw_sid, &tw_token, t_s)
.expect("Error with HTTP request");
// Server responds with 201 (Created) on the initial response
assert_eq!(StatusCode::from_u16(201).unwrap(), response.status());
// Run the loop to make sure the message was delivered
let delivered = twrs_sms::is_delivered(&mut response, &tw_sid, &tw_token).expect("Error SMS not delivered");
// Checking the delivered state, and fail on an error
assert_eq!(delivered, "delivered");
~310K SLoC