#twitter #api-client #api-bindings #api #action #rust


A Rust crate for interacting with the Twitter API

5 releases

0.1.4 Sep 16, 2024
0.1.3 Sep 5, 2024
0.1.2 Aug 29, 2024
0.1.1 Aug 29, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 29, 2024

#345 in Web programming

Download history 312/week @ 2024-08-29 136/week @ 2024-09-05 121/week @ 2024-09-12 24/week @ 2024-09-19 11/week @ 2024-09-26 7/week @ 2024-10-03

163 downloads per month

MIT license



Crates.io Docs.rs License

tweety-rs is a Rust crate for interacting with the Twitter API. It provides a convenient interface for performing actions such as posting tweets, managing followers, sending direct messages, and more.


  • Post and edit tweets
  • Manage followers and followings
  • Like and retweet posts
  • Fetch direct messages
  • Manage bookmarks
  • Upload media files
  • Search tweets and users
  • Hide replies to tweets


Run the command:

cargo add tweety-rs

Then, in your main.rs or lib.rs:

use crate tweety_rs;


To authenticate with the Twitter API, you will need the following credentials:

  • Consumer Key: Your application's consumer key (API key)
  • Consumer Key Secret: Your application's consumer secret (API secret key)
  • Access Token: Your access token
  • Access Token Secret: Your access token secret

You can obtain these from the Twitter Developer portal.


To get started, you'll need to create a TweetyClient with your Twitter API credentials.

Example: how to post a tweet

use tweety_rs::client::TweetyClient;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = TweetyClient::new(

    // Post a tweet
    client.post_tweet("Hello, Twitter!", None).unwrap();


Example: Tweeting with image

Make a tweet with an image appended to your tweet.

use tweety_rs::{
    types::tweet::{Media, PostTweetParams},
use tokio;

fn main() {
    let client = TweetyClient::new(

    let path = Path::new(&file_path); // path of the image to be uploaded

    match client.upload_file(&path).await {
        Ok(value) => {
            let media_string = value.to_string();
            let message = format!("#{}", self.file_content.1);

            let params = PostTweetParams {
                direct_message_deep_link: None,
                for_super_followers_only: None,
                geo: None,
                media: Some(Media {
                    media_ids: vec![media_string].into(),
                    tagged_user_ids: None,
                poll: None,
                quote_tweet_id: None,
                reply: None,
                reply_settings: None,

            match client.post_tweet(&message, Some(params)).await {
                Ok(status_code) => {
                    println!("Posted tweet: {:?}", status_code);
                Err(err) => {
                    println!("Error posting tweet: {}", err);
        Err(err) => {
            println!("Error uploading images{}", err);

Example: Retweeting

use tweety_rs::client::TweetyClient;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = TweetyClient::new(

    // Retweet a tweet by ID


Example: Get Direct Message

Here’s an example of how to use the get_direct_messages function:

use tweety_rs::{client::TweetyClient,error::TweetyError,direct_messages::QueryParams};
use serde_json::Value;

async fn main() -> Result<(), TweetyError> {
    // Create an instance of TweetyClient
    let client = TweetyClient::new(

    // Define query parameters
    let params = QueryParams {
        dm_event_fields: Some(vec![DMEventField::Id, DMEventField::Text]),
        event_types: Some(vec![EventType::MessageCreate]),
        expansions: Some(vec![Expansion::SenderId]),
        max_results: Some(50),
        media_fields: Some(vec![MediaField::Url, MediaField::Type]),
        tweet_fields: Some(vec![TweetField::CreatedAt, TweetField::Text]),
        user_fields: Some(vec![UserField::Username, UserField::Verified]),

    // Fetch direct messages
    match client.get_direct_messages(params).await {
        Ok(response) => {
            println!("Direct messages: {}", response);
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error fetching direct messages: {:?}", e);


⚠️ Twitter API Rate Limits

Twitter has a small window cap for the free tier, so it's important to be aware of the rate limits.

  • Free Access: 50 requests every 24 hours. (Make a post, Delete and Get self info only).
  • Elevated Access: 300 requests per 15-minute window per user (Most functionality).

Check out the rate limits Documentation


The crate is organized into several modules, each responsible for different aspects of the Twitter API:

  • bookmark - Manage bookmarks
  • client - Main client for interacting with the Twitter API
  • direct_messages - Handle sending and receiving direct messages
  • favourites - Manage favourites (likes)
  • followers - Manage followers
  • following - Manage followings
  • hide_replies - Hide replies to tweets
  • like - Like tweets
  • mentions - Manage mentions
  • retweets - Retweet tweets
  • search - Search tweets and users
  • tweet - Post and manage tweets
  • uploads - Upload media files
  • user - Manage user information

Common Issues

  • Authentication Issues: When authenticating requests to the Twitter API v2 endpoints, you must use keys and tokens from a Twitter developer App that is attached to a Project. You can create a project via the Twitter Developer Portal.

  • OAuth1 Permissions: Your client app might not be configured with the appropriate OAuth1 app permissions for this endpoint.

Error Resolution

  • Endpoint Access: Some errors may indicate that you need to upgrade to the premium tier to access certain endpoints.

Bots using this Crate


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This project is inspired by the desire to make interacting with Twitter's API easier and more Rust-idiomatic.

If you found it helpful consider giving it a star ⭐️.


~264K SLoC