nightly bin+lib tw-rs

Command line tool allow you to access twitter

24 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.34 Jun 5, 2017
0.1.33 May 17, 2017
0.1.29 Apr 25, 2017
0.1.20 Mar 27, 2017
Download history 18/week @ 2024-09-23 139/week @ 2024-12-02 170/week @ 2024-12-09

309 downloads per month

Custom license

657 lines

Command Line Interface Tweeter (rust version)

Build Status

Screenshot in alacritty:

Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.

The rust version of this tool is somewhat faster than its haskell counterpart, but the haskell one has a couple more features.

Reasons to use tw-rs:

  • Faster than other tools (t, tweet-hs, oysttyer)
  • Lightweight (5MB executable)
  • Unobtrusive
  • You know rust and like being able to extend your tools
  • You want something that can be called from vim
  • Support for colored output
  • You want a twitter library for rust.
  • Can be used in scripts
  • BSD3 licensed

Reasons not to use tw-rs:

  • Several features are still in development
  • Fewer features than rainbowstream, t, or oysttyer
  • You want to extend your tools in haskell
  • You want "twitter in a terminal" that rainbowtools or oysttyer provides.
  • You want to be able to easily tweet emoji


Generate a token to authorize access to your twitter account by following the guide here

Then place your API keys and OAuth tokens in a file (default is $HOME/.cred), separated by a line break:

api-key: API_KEY_HERE

Note that the labels must in the correct order, and separated from the keys with whitespace.


If you're on Linux/Windows the best way is probably to download the binaries from the releases page here.

Otherwise, you'll have to build from source. To build from source, install cargo with rustup; on unix systems this is as simple as

curl -sSf | sh

Then type cargo install tw-rs.


View Profiles

To get your profile, simply type:

$ tw user

To view a user's profile, type e.g.

$ tw user lemondefr

If you have any problems along the way:

$ tw help

Sending tweets

$ tw send "YOUR_TWEET_TEXT"

Viewing your timeline

You can also use

$ tw view

to view your own timeline.


  • tweet
  • view timeline
  • view user profiles
  • output with id of tweet
  • delete tweet
  • retweet
  • reply to tweet
  • fav/unfav tweets
  • follow/unfollow users
  • display quoted tweets alongside
  • fetch mentions
  • block accounts


In the bash directory you will find a script that times tw-rs, tweet-hs, oysttyer, and t fetching tweets. On linux, it consistently places tw as the fastest.

Comparison to other command-line clients

Tool Language Color output Interactive Vim plugin support Scriptable Send emoji
tw Rust x x x
rainbowstream Python x x x
oysttyer Perl x ½
tweet-hs Haskell x x x
t Ruby ½ x

Screenshots (alacritty + solarized dark)


Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.


Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.


Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.


Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.


Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.

Some results

These aren't 100% great benchmarks since twitter's load varies, but tw does come in first consistently. This is done with haskell's bench tool.

Timed results.


tw-rs respects the CLICOLOR behavior defined here. If you wish to disable colorization,

 $ export CLICOLOR=0


To make tw use standard unicode in place of symbol fonts, simply set



A library is included. It's fairly easy to use once you have the credentials set up, though it requires a fixed oAuth token.


There is a haskell version of this, with a binary and a library, available here. The haskell library is more complete.


~413K SLoC