8 releases

0.1.7 Aug 9, 2024
0.1.6 Aug 8, 2024

#1344 in Web programming

Download history 98/week @ 2024-07-31 512/week @ 2024-08-07 12/week @ 2024-08-14

622 downloads per month

MIT license

50 lines

TsBind How it works


A Rust crate for generating TypeScript bindings from structs.


cargo add ts-bind


Add the following to your Rust code:

use ts_bind::TsBind;

struct MyStruct {
    field1: String,
    field2: i32,

This will generate the corresponding TypeScript interface in the bindings directory.

// bindings/MyStruct.ts
export interface MyStruct {
  field1: string;
  field2: number;


Rename structs

You can rename the generated interface by adding the #[ts_bind(rename = "NewName")] attribute.

#[ts_bind(rename = "NewName")]
struct MyStruct {
    field1: String,
    field2: i32,
// bindings/NewName.ts
export interface NewName {
  field1: string;
  field2: number;

Rename all fields by case

You can rename all fields by case by adding the #[ts_bind(rename_all = "...")] attribute.

#[ts_bind(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct MyStruct {
    field_one: String,
    field_two: i32,
// bindings/MyStruct.ts
export interface MyStruct {
  fieldOne: string;
  fieldTwo: number;

Custom export path

You can specify a custom export path by adding the #[ts_bind(export = "path/to/export")] attribute.

#[ts_bind(export = "models")]
struct MyStruct {
    field1: String,
    field2: i32,
// models/MyStruct.ts
export interface MyStruct {
  field1: string;
  field2: number;

Auto import

Unknown types will automatically be imported to the output TypeScript file.

struct User {
    id: i32,
    posts: Vec<Post>,

struct Post {
    title: String,
// bindings/User.ts
import { Post } from "./Post"; // automatically imported

export interface User {
  id: number;
  posts: Post[];

// bindings/Post.ts
export interface Post {
  title: string;

Skipping fields

You can skip fields by adding the #[ts_bind(skip)] attribute.

struct User {
    id: i32,
    password: String,
export interface User {
  id: number;

Struct-Level Attributes

The ts_bind attribute supports the following optional arguments for the entire struct:

Argument Description
rename Rename the generated interface.
rename_all Rename all fields by case.
export Custom export path.

Field-Level Attributes

The ts_bind attribute supports the following optional arguments for individual fields:

Argument Description
rename Rename the field.
skip Skip the field.
struct User {
    id: i32,
    #[ts_bind(rename = "postCount")]
    post_count: i32,
export interface User {
  id: number;
  postCount: number;


The library is far from complete. Here are some of the features that are planned:

  • #[ts_bind(export = "path/to/export")] custom export path.
  • #[ts_bind(rename_all = "camelCase")] attribute to rename all fields.
  • #[ts_bind(skip)] attribute to skip fields.
  • Support for enums.
  • #[ts_bind(skip_if = "condition")] attribute to skip fields based on a condition.


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on our GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


~28K SLoC