1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 15, 2024

#1605 in Database interfaces

MIT license

134 lines


TRSO migrator is a simple cli application which applies SQL files from a folder set in the environment variables to the local or remote Turso database.

The main objective of the CLI is to be able to quickly work on your hobby projects. It was created purely for my personal needs, but feel free to use and send PRs.

The CLI on the first run creates migrations table and writes there applied migrations files, the files are going to run by the alphabetical order of the filename.

Enviromental Variables to set before running

Name Default Value Description
TRSO_LOCAL - Local database or remote flag
TRSO_PATH_URL - File path or the url of the remote
TRSO_TOKEN - Must be set if TRSO_LOCAL is true
TRSO_MIGRATIONS_PATH <CURRENT_WORKING_DIR>/migrations/ Folder where the migration files are located


~104K SLoC