20 releases (3 stable)
1.2.0 | Feb 26, 2024 |
1.1.0 | Feb 16, 2024 |
1.0.0 | Jan 27, 2024 |
0.4.0 | May 8, 2023 |
0.1.10 | Jan 26, 2023 |
#283 in Command-line interface
A Terminal Request HTTP Client. TReq is a user-friendly Command Line Interface (CLI) HTTP client, designed to be simple and a complete CLI tool to interact with APIs. With options to save and edit frequently used requests with simple commands to run them again later. Imagine a workflow like GUI tools for HTTP requests in terminal.
- Made to APIs and REST: TReq is tailored for working with APIs, REST, and JSON with minimal effort.
- HTTPie based: The CLI interface is entirely based on HTTPie, and seeks to implement and extend its main features (a superset of HTTPie's).
- Persistent Request Storage: Save and edit frequently used requests with simple commands to run them again later. Imagine a workflow like GUI tools for HTTP requests in terminal.
- Pretty Outputs: The UX is relevant in a CLI.
Basic requests
treq GET example.com/users/id?name=John
treq POST example.com
POST with custom header and json payload
treq POST example.com X-API-Token:123 name=John food=pizza
Submit and saving the request locally as "main-endpoint" with --save-as
treq POST example.com name="John Doe" --save-as main-endpoint
Executing saved request with run
treq run main-endpoint
Executing it adding more data
treq run main-endpoint email='john@gmail.com' job=dev
A pratical usage...
# Create a user and save the request for make it again later
treq POST api.com/user name=John job=dev friends:='["Bob", "Jane"]' birth-year:=1990 --save-as create-user
# Make the same request for create a user "Jane"
treq run create-user name=Jane birth-year:=2001
# Editing saved request
treq edit birth-year:=2002 --method PATCH
Ubuntu / Debian based
Download the latest .deb
package from the last release page. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded .deb
file is located. Install TReq using the following command:
sudo dpkg -i treq-x.x.x_amd64.deb
Alternatively, you can try:
sudo apt install ./treq-x.x.x_amd64.deb
Arch / Manjaro
If you're using Arch Linux, you can install TReq from the AUR using an AUR helper such as yay:
yay -S treq-bin
For any OS, the best way to install TReq is using cargo
Install cargo using rustup and then...
cargo install treq
Linux generic
TReq's binary is statically linked and has no dependencies, making it compatible with most major Linux distributions. To install, download the binary from the latest release page and place it in your PATH directory.
Using Curl
curl -fLo /usr/local/bin/treq --create-dirs https://github.com/talis-fb/TReq/releases/latest/download/treq.bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/treq
Using wget
wget -O /usr/local/bin/treq https://github.com/talis-fb/TReq/releases/latest/download/treq.bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/treq
Download the latest .exe
file at last release page. Place the downloaded .exe file in a directory included in your system's PATH, or add the directory containing the .exe to your PATH.
For more detailed information on commands and options, refer to the built-in help:
treq --help
TReq uses HTTPie's request-item syntax to set headers, request body, query string, etc.
for setting the request body's JSON or form fields (= for strings and := for other JSON types).==
for adding query strings.:
for adding or removing headers e.g connection:keep-alive or connection:.
Body, header e params manipulation
# POST with JSON payload => { "language": "Rust", "food": "pizza" }
treq POST example.com language=Rust food=pizza
# POST with custom Header => { Content-Type: application/json }
treq POST example.com Content-Type:application/json
# Define query params at url
# (these two below are equivalent)
treq example.com?name=John&job=dev
treq example.com name==John job==dev
More complex requests
# POST with JSON payload
# => {
# "friends": ["John", "Jane"],
# "job": "dev",
# food": "pizza"
# }
# (these three below are equivalent)
treq POST example.com?sort=true --raw '{ "friends": ["John", "Jane"] }' job=dev food=pizza
treq POST example.com?sort=true --raw friends:='["John", "Jane"]' job=dev food=pizza
treq POST example.com sort==true --raw friends:='["John", "Jane"]' job=dev food=pizza
Localhost alias
When defining urls with localhost, you can use the alias :{PORT}/{ROUTES}
instead of complete url.
For example, each pair of the commands below are equivalents...
treq GET localhost:8000
treq GET :8000
treq GET localhost:80/users
treq GET :80/users
treq run my-request --url localhost:9000
treq run my-request --url :9000
Contributions and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests on our GitHub repository.
Upcoming features
- TUI view like https://github.com/talis-fb/legacy_treq
- Enviroment Variables in Request payloads (like {{ .env.ENV_NAME }})
~523K SLoC