1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 17, 2020

#16 in #modifying

Used in trait_adapters

Zlib license


Trait Adapters

Crates.io Docs.rs

Version notice

This is an early version of the crate, released due to high demand in a different crate. Features listed below might not exist yet: additions will be noted in the changelog.

Provides newtype adapters for modifying interactions with traits.

Examples include:

  • Removing all traits from a type and leaving only one (customized thanks to macros)
  • Implementing a trait by using another trait with an equivalent signature (also customized thanks to macros; a good use case is the variety of formatting traits in std::fmt)
  • Containers which are alternatives to equivalent standard library containers but use slightly different traits or alter their meaning


Macros for the trait_adapters crate.

Currently there are none, this is obviously expected to change in the future.


~34K SLoC