tracing-serde is used at run time in 1,266 crates (of which 518 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 19 crates. It's used at build time in 6 crates (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 92 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers tracing-serde version Downloads/month
1,292 0.2.0 2.1M
61 0.1.3 1.8M
11 0.1.1 4.5K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) tracing-serde version
8.1M 5056 tracing-subscriber optional ^0.2.0
82K 7 tracing-loki >=0.1.3, <0.3.0
6.7K 2 apollo-router ^0.1.3
6.1K datadog-tracing ^0.1.3
4.6K json-subscriber ^0.1.3
1.4K 20 holochain_trace ^0.1.3
900 uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.1.3
800 3 observability ^0.1.2
210 bears ^0.2.0
180 ddtrace ^0.1.3
850 7 golem-common optional ^0.2.0
100 grafana-plugin-sdk ^0.1.3
solink-tracing-flat-json ^0.1.3
9 holochain_tracing =0.1.1
700 4 aitia optional ^0.1
2 cli-batteries ^0.1
pyo3-python-tracing-subscriber ^0.1
opentelemetry-tracing-utils ^0.1
bevy-remote-devtools-plugin ^0.1
140 hyperlight-host dev ^0.1.3