2 unstable releases
0.2.1 | Feb 20, 2024 |
0.2.0 |
0.1.1 | Jan 20, 2024 |
#17 in #session-store
54 downloads per month
129 lines
tower-sessions store using Cloud Firestore
This crate provides a Cloud Firestore store for tower-sessions.
📦 Install
To use the crate in your project, add the following to your Cargo.toml
firestore = "0.39"
tower-sessions = "0.10"
tower-sessions-firestore-store = "0.2"
Set up a Firestore database and configure the store with this database and a collection name. Can be tested locally with the Firestore Emulator or Firebase Emulator UI.
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum::{response::IntoResponse, routing::get, Router};
use firestore::FirestoreDb;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use time::Duration;
use tower_sessions::{Expiry, Session, SessionManagerLayer};
use tower_sessions_firestore_store::FirestoreStore;
const COUNTER_KEY: &str = "counter";
#[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Counter(usize);
async fn main() {
let google_cloud_project = std::option_env!("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT")
.expect("Missing GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT.")
let db = FirestoreDb::new(google_cloud_project)
.expect("Could not create FirestoreDb.");
let session_store = FirestoreStore::new(db, "tower-sessions".to_string());
let session_layer = SessionManagerLayer::new(session_store)
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler)).layer(session_layer);
let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(&addr).await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service())
async fn handler(session: Session) -> impl IntoResponse {
let counter: Counter = session.get(COUNTER_KEY).await.unwrap().unwrap_or_default();
session.insert(COUNTER_KEY, counter.0 + 1).await.unwrap();
format!("Current count: {}", counter.0)
You can find this example in the example directory.
~1.5M SLoC