#toml-config #toml #serde #config-file #applications #read #automatic


Automatically generate, read, and manage application-specific TOML configuration files simply, cleanly, and consistently

3 stable releases

1.1.1 Jan 31, 2022
1.0.0 Dec 9, 2021

#1319 in Filesystem

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368 lines


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Manage TOML Configuration files simply, cleanly, and consistently.

TomlConf uses the directories library to locate the appropriate place for application data in a cross-platform way, and populates that location with a default file included at compile-time.

All you need to do is define a struct that implements serde::de::DeserializeOwned (typically by way of #[derive(Deserialize)] for a struct that owns its data) and implement the ConfigData trait for it. You can then use the constructors on the trait to create, load, and read the data from a file; If you also derive Serialize, you can even save changes to the data back into the file.


struct AppConfig {
    output: String,
    number: usize,

impl ConfigData for AppConfig {
    const DEFAULT: &'static str = include_str!("cfg_default.toml");

fn main() {
    let cfg: ConfigFile<AppConfig> = match AppConfig::setup(
        "com", // "Qualifier"; OSX-specific.
        "Cool Software LTD", // Organization name.
        "TextPrinter", // Application name.
        "config.toml", // Configuration file name.
    ) {
        Ok((msg, config)) => {
            //  This `msg` variable tells the user whether an existing config
            //      file was found, or whether a new one was created with the
            //      default values instead.
            eprintln!("{}", msg);
        Err(msg) => {
            eprintln!("Setup failed: {}", msg);

    for i in 0..cfg.number {
        println!("{}: {}", i, &cfg.output);


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