Cargo Features

tmflib = { version = "0.1.20", default-features = false, features = ["tmf620-v4", "tmf620-v5", "tmf622-v4", "tmf622-v5", "tmf629-v4", "tmf629-v5", "tmf632-v4", "tmf632-v5", "tmf637-v4", "tmf637-v5", "tmf667-v4", "tmf667-v5", "tmf674-v4", "tmf674-v5", "tmf678-v4", "tmf678-v5", "tmf687-v4", "tmf696-v4", "tmf696-v5", "tmf697-v4", "tmf697-v5", "tmf699-v4", "tmf699-v5", "v4", "v5"] }
default = v4

The v4 feature is set by default whenever tmflib is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

tmf620-v4 v4

Affects tmflib::tmf620

tmf620-v5 v5?

Affects tmflib::tmf620

tmf622-v4 v4

Affects tmf622::product_order_v4, tmflib::tmf622

tmf622-v5 v5?

Affects tmf622::product_order_v5, tmf622::milestone, tmflib::tmf622

tmf629-v4 v4

Affects tmflib::tmf629

tmf629-v5 v5?

Affects tmflib::tmf629

tmf632-v4 v4

Affects tmf632::individual_v4, tmf632::organization_v4, tmflib::tmf632

tmf632-v5 v5?

Affects tmf632::individual_v5, tmf632::organization_v5, tmflib::tmf632

tmf637-v4 v4

Affects tmf637::v4, tmflib::tmf637

tmf637-v5 v5?

Affects tmf637::v5, tmflib::tmf637

tmf667-v4 v4 v5?

Affects tmflib::tmf667


Affects tmflib::tmf667

tmf674-v4 v4

Affects tmf674::geographic_site_v4, tmflib::tmf674

tmf674-v5 v5?

Affects tmf674::geographic_site_v5, tmf699::sales_lead_v5, tmf699::sales_opportunity_v5, tmf699::sales_opportunity_item_v5, tmflib::tmf674

tmf678-v4 v4

Affects tmf678::customer_bill_v4, tmflib::tmf678

tmf678-v5 v5?

Affects tmf678::customer_bill_v5, tmflib::tmf678

tmf687-v4 v4 v5?

Affects tmflib::tmf687

tmf696-v4 v4

Affects tmflib::tmf687

tmf696-v5 v5?

Affects tmflib::tmf687

tmf697-v4 v4 v5?

Affects tmf697::v4, tmflib::tmf697


Affects tmf697::v5, tmflib::tmf697

tmf699-v4 v4

Affects tmf699::sales_lead_v4, tmflib::tmf699

tmf699-v5 v5?

Affects tmflib::tmf699

v4 default = tmf620-v4, tmf622-v4, tmf629-v4, tmf632-v4, tmf637-v4, tmf667-v4, tmf674-v4, tmf678-v4, tmf687-v4, tmf696-v4, tmf697-v4, tmf699-v4

Affects tmf620::product_offering

v5 = tmf620-v5, tmf622-v5, tmf629-v5, tmf632-v5, tmf637-v5, tmf667-v4, tmf674-v5, tmf678-v5, tmf687-v4, tmf696-v5, tmf697-v4, tmf699-v5

Affects tmf620::product_offering_v5