Cargo Features

the-bridge = { version = "0.0.1", default-features = false, features = ["std", "embedded-io", "futures", "futures-io", "tokio", "tracing", "log", "defmt", "demo"] }
default = demo, embedded-io, futures, std, tokio, tracing

These default features are set whenever the-bridge is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Implements std::error::Error for EncodeError and DecodeError

embedded-io default

Enables embedded-io-async::Read and embedded-io-async::Write compatibility

Enables embedded-io-async

Affects the-bridge::embedded_io

futures default futures-io?

Enables futures::Stream and futures::Sink compatibility

Enables futures

Affects the-bridge::captures

futures-io tokio

Enables futures::io::AsyncRead and futures::io::AsyncWrite compatibility and brings futures::io::Error into scope

Enables std of futures

Affects the-bridge::futures_io

tokio default = futures-io

Enables tokio::AsyncRead and tokio::AsyncWrite compatibility and implements tokio-util::codec::Framed

Enables tokio and tokio-util, std of bincode

Affects the-bridge::tokio

tracing default

Enables tracing

Enables tracing


Enables log

Enables log


Enables defmt and implements defmt::Format for EncodeError and DecodeError

Enables defmt

demo default

Enables the demo module with a ready-to-use DemoMessage that can be used to test the bridge

Affects the-bridge::demo