#eda #parser #nom #ic


technology(.tf) file parser in Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Feb 5, 2021

#37 in #eda




Technology file parser in Rust


Technology file is commonly used in modern EDA PR tools to define technology process information including layer, contact, designrule and etc. EDA tool vendor may require foundries to provide this kind of file in different text format in PDK(process design kit).

EDA parser in Rust

The project is a part of backend EDA parser collection in Rust. We're also developing lef/spef parser in Rust and finally opensource.

Similar project

For frontend EDA parser in Rust, you can find sv-parser, sdc-parser

Technology file specification

Unfortunately, it's very hard to find universal technology file specification. Each EDA vendor define their own technology file format. We follow the .tf text format to develop the parser.

The .tf generally contains 10 parts: Comment, Technology, Color, Stipple, Tile, Layer, ContactCode, DesignRule, PRRule and DensityRule. We develop each block's subparser and combine them together to parse the whole .tf file

The parser

The parser is developed based on nom parser combinator framework and currently support parse Synopsys Apollo technology format file. You can try it under example

If you are interested in our work, please contact [xuzhenyutc@icloud.com]


~45K SLoC