1 unstable release
0.1.0 | May 6, 2019 |
#863 in Testing
266 lines
test-exec - Test command line applications comfortably
test-exec = "0.1.0
is a Rust testing library to help you at testing the output of a command line application.
It aims for maximum comfort, and wants to prevent messing around with Command
The main functionality is the exec
it executes your command, verifies the output and is highly customizable.
A few previews, assuming you have a binary target called my_bin
minimum configuration:
(almost) maximum configuration:
let output = exec!{
args: ["-p", "/"],
cwd: "/tmp",
env: {
stdin: b"show-hidden",
timeout: 60000,
log: true,
code: 0,
stdout: b"Started program...\nDone.\n",
stderr: []
// `output` can be used here like a normal process::Output
If the program exits with any other code than 0
, a different stdout
or stderr
or is running longer than 60 seconds, a panic occurs.
As you might have noticed, the bin target is added to the PATH automatically.
See the documentation for more.
- set the arguments, current working directory, environment and
with one line each - exit code,
and optionally termination signal comparison directly through the macro - automatic availability of bin targets
- all output of the program is returned for additional use
Installation and usage
As test-exec
is a testing library, it should be added to the dev-dependencies:
test-exec = "0.1.0
And it can be used in code by doing
extern crate test_exec;
For instance in an integration test for a binary called my_pwd
, whichs prints the current working directory
extern crate test_exec;
fn test_program_output() {
cwd: "/",
log: true,
code: 0,
stdout: b"/\n",
stderr: []