2 stable releases

1.0.1 May 14, 2020
1.0.0 Dec 20, 2019

#1989 in Rust patterns

22 downloads per month
Used in rubot

MIT license



A simple rust library adding tapping functionality to all types.

The tap operation takes full ownership of a variable, calls the given function with a mutable reference to the given variable and then returns full ownership of it. This allows for easy mutation without having to declare the variable as mutable.

This library is partially inspired by tap-rs.


fn get_unsorted_values() -> Vec<u32> {
    vec![42, 7, 1337, 69]

fn use_sorted_values(values: &[u32]) {
    assert_eq!(&[7, 42, 69, 1337], values);

// without tap one often needs mutable variables
let mut old = get_unsorted_values();

// using tap, this can be simplified
use tapir::Tap;

let tapped = get_unsorted_values().tap(|v| v.sort());


A crate exposing the Tap trait, which makes method chaining easier.

Check out Tap for a more detailed documentation.


use tapir::Tap;

fn smallest_factor(x: u32) -> u32 {
    for i in 2..x {
        if x % i == 0 {
            return i;


let smallest_factors: Vec<u32> = (2..25).map(smallest_factor).collect();

let unique_primes = smallest_factors.tap(|v| v.sort()).tap(Vec::dedup);
assert_eq!(unique_primes, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]);

No runtime deps