Cargo Features

sued = { version = "0.24.2", default-features = false, features = ["core", "editor", "most", "full", "repl", "cursor", "fun", "startup", "history", "lua"] }
default = core

Flag Groups

To disable the core editor commands, specify --no-default-features at the Cargo invocation and manually choose the specific feature flags you want. At the very least, you should have inputoutput enabled if you want to be able to save and open files.

core default editor? = cursor, fun, informational, inputoutput, shell, transformations

Provides all categories of sued's editor commands. These are needed to supply actual functionality to the editor.
All of these are enabled as part of the editor core, but can be configured out at the user's will.

editor most? = core, repl

Provides access to sued as a text editor in its most basic form. This is the feature flag version of syntactic sugar - you could instead specify --features=repl since core is a default feature.

most full? = editor, history, lua, startup

This gives you sued as a text editor with batteries included.
Provides everything in sued that's considered usable and kind of stable.

full = most

Provides absolutely everything in sued, regardless of usability, stability or anything good or holy.
Previously, this group contained the C Foreign Function Interface feature,
but that module has since been completely removed and superseded by the Lua bindings.

repl editor? = rustyline

Feature Flags

Provides access to sued's Read-Eval-Print Loop. This is a required feature for sued as a text editor.

Affects sued::run_repl_command

informational inputoutput cursor core
transformations shell fun core
startup most?

Provides access to sued's funny startup messages.

history most?

Provides access to sued's command history feature.

lua most? = mlua

Provides access to sued's Lua bindings, for extending the editor and creating commands with Lua.

Affects sued::lua, sued::EditorState.lua

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

rustyline repl?

Enables rustyline

Required only by sued as a text editor

mlua lua?