substrate-subxt is used at run time in 11 crates (of which 2 optionally).

Number of dependers substrate-subxt version Downloads/month
0 0.16.0 21
1 0.14.0 35
2 0.13.0 43
8 0.10.1 32
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) substrate-subxt version
120 sunshine-identity-ffi ^0.10.1
3 sunshine-identity-client ^0.10.1
sunshine-identity-cli ^0.10.1
sunshine-faucet-cli ^0.10.1
5 sunshine-core ^0.10.1
darwinia-bridger ^0.13.0
2 sunshine-faucet-client ^0.10.1
sunshine-bounty-client ^0.10.1
substrate-keybase-keystore ^0.10.1
1 darwinia-bridge-primitives optional ^0.13.0
cargo-eosiocontract optional ^0.14.0