#stun #nat #ip-address #sockets #rfc5389


Simple STUN client for resolving external IP address and port of a UDP socket

9 releases

0.4.1 May 21, 2024
0.4.0 Dec 30, 2022
0.3.1 Oct 29, 2021
0.3.0 Jul 25, 2021
0.1.0 Jan 31, 2019

#3 in #nat

Download history 584/week @ 2024-03-13 424/week @ 2024-03-20 547/week @ 2024-03-27 622/week @ 2024-04-03 495/week @ 2024-04-10 484/week @ 2024-04-17 740/week @ 2024-04-24 372/week @ 2024-05-01 480/week @ 2024-05-08 530/week @ 2024-05-15 307/week @ 2024-05-22 172/week @ 2024-05-29 379/week @ 2024-06-05 232/week @ 2024-06-12 205/week @ 2024-06-19 297/week @ 2024-06-26

1,135 downloads per month
Used in turnhammer


230 lines

Simple UDP-only STUN client for resolving external IP address:port behind NAT.

Supports both sync and async.

Example (sync):

use std::net::UdpSocket;
use stunclient::StunClient;
use std::net::{SocketAddr,ToSocketAddrs};
let local_addr : SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
let stun_addr = "stun.l.google.com:19302".to_socket_addrs().unwrap().filter(|x|x.is_ipv4()).next().unwrap();
let udp = UdpSocket::bind(local_addr).unwrap();

let c = StunClient::new(stun_addr);

let my_external_addr = c.query_external_address(&udp).unwrap();

Example (async):

use stunclient::StunClient;
use std::net::{SocketAddr,ToSocketAddrs};

let local_addr : SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
let stun_addr = "stun.l.google.com:19302".to_socket_addrs().unwrap().filter(|x|x.is_ipv4()).next().unwrap();
let udp = tokio::net::udp::UdpSocket::bind(&local_addr).unwrap();

let c = StunClient::new(stun_addr);
let f = c.query_external_address_async(&udp);
let my_external_addr = f.await.unwrap();

Old version (0.1) of stunclient is almost the same, but is for Tokio 0.1.


~126K SLoC