Cargo Features

structural = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false, features = ["std", "alloc", "testing", "hide_reexports", "specialization", "nightly_specialization", "use_const_str", "nightly_use_const_str", "disable_const_str", "impl_fields", "nightly_impl_fields", "for_examples", "test_all", "all"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever structural is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default all? = alloc
alloc std

Enabling the feature in core_extension so that the impls that use types or traits from the alloc crate are enabled.
One example is the Cloned trait.

Enables alloc of core_extensions ^0.1.16

testing test_all? = for_examples

An internal cargo feature,used by tests

Enables test_asserts of structural_derive

Affects structural::test_utils, structural::tests

hide_reexports all?

Used as a workaround for cargo deadlinks, hides the re-exports from standard library crates.

specialization nightly_specialization?
nightly_specialization all? = specialization
use_const_str nightly_use_const_str?

Enables use_const_str of structural_derive


Re-enable this feature every time you want to test whether const generics work.

Affects structural::const_generic_utils

nightly_use_const_str all? = use_const_str

Enables disable_const_str of structural_derive

impl_fields nightly_impl_fields?

Enables impl_fields of structural_derive

nightly_impl_fields all? = impl_fields
for_examples all? testing?

Affects structural::for_examples

test_all = all, testing

An internal feature

all test_all? = for_examples, hide_reexports, nightly_impl_fields, nightly_specialization, nightly_use_const_str, std

An internal feature