#programming-language #dynamically-typed #vm #bytecode #statically-typed #language #p-code-machine

bin+lib strontium

A register-based bytecode machine for statically and dynamically typed programming languages

6 releases

0.6.0 Oct 24, 2023
0.5.5 Mar 10, 2020
0.5.4 Feb 23, 2019
0.5.3 Dec 17, 2018

#800 in Programming languages

Used in 2 crates

Custom license

1.5K SLoC



Strontium is a bytecode machine with typed registers and multimethods for statically and dynamically typed programming languages.

It is built primarily to support Mag as the underlying, executive portion of the language engine. Any Mag source code first runs through the parser, is then compiled to Strontium bytecode and finally interpreted by this virtual machine.

Instruction Set Architecture

A lightweight RISC-like instruction set architecture is used to keep the number of instructions small and easily maintainable, while more complex tasks are achieved using combinations of multiple bytecode instructions.


The following registers are pre-allocated when the machine starts:

Register Type Content Description
ip UInt64 0 The index of the byte to be read next from the bytecode buffer in the bc register.
bc Array<UInt8> [] The bytecode of the running program.
r1..r8 Empty General purpose registers

Use the LOAD instruction to load values from bytecode into general purpose registers at runtime.

Instruction Set

The following instructions may then used in program bytecode to operate on the registers:

Opcode Name Description
0 HALT Stop all execution instantly.
1 LOAD Load a Value from program bytecode into a register.
2 MOVE Move a value from one register to another. The source register will be cleared after the operation.
3 COPY Copy a value from one register to another. The source will be left untouched.
4 CALCULATE Perform a calculation (ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE) on two registers and write the result to a third.
5 COMPARE Perform a comparison (EQ, NEQ, LT, LTE, GT, GTE) on two registers and write the result to a third.
6 BITWISE Perform a bitwise operation on one (NOT) or two (AND, OR, XOR, LSH, RSH) registers and write the result into another.
7 JUMP Set the program counter to a value from a location, using one of the methods (absolute, forward, backward)
8 JUMPC Same as the previous instruction, but with an additional register address argument. Will only perform the jump if the given register contains a Value::Bool(true).
9 INTERRUPT Emit an event that needs immediate attention (READ, PRINT)
10 CALL Unimplemented method call instruction
11 RETURN Unimplemented method return instruction

This README will soon be updated with further documentation.

Project Status

This is still very much in the alpha phase, so the semantics and API surface of this library will change dynamically over time. Do not rely on this in any production-critical way and expect earth-shattering change.

Let's talk if you're interested on working on this project!


Coming soon


Licensed under the MIT license.


~231K SLoC