#file-io #mocking #string #file #read-write #io


A component providing write and read operations of strings in files, and its mock that does the same in a HashMap

2 stable releases

1.0.1 Nov 22, 2023

#1179 in Filesystem

28 downloads per month
Used in masterpg


108 lines


by Koen Bekx

The string_io_and_mock crate provides a struct FileTextHandler that acts as a mockable layer over a file system. It provides write and read operations that are required by the TextIOHandler trait :

  • method write_text writes String content to a file or file system simulator;
  • method read_text reads String content from a file or file system simulator;

The Text in the names of the trait and structs mean that these entities are only meant to handle String content, as is evident from the signatures of the trait's methods.

For unit tests - or for other applications - a mock MockTextHandler is available that also implements the TextIOHandler trait, but doesn't access any file system. It stores it texts in a HashMap instead.

This means that MockTextHandler is more than a mere mock: with its internal persistence, it can serve as an application component in its own right, providing string storage in memory where file storage isn't needed.


In order to use this crate, add it to your project's Cargo.toml file using the command

cargo add string_io_and_mock

and add the below statement in your code :

use string_io_and_mock::{FileTextHandler, MockTextHandler, TextIOHandler};


For examples of how to use these components in code, see the crate's code documentation or its unit and integration tests.


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