#steel #fox #lambda #aws-lambda #plate #arctic #popcat

app steel-plate

Steel Plate for Arctic Fox, similar to POPCAT

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 2, 2022

#3 in #fox

MIT license

301 lines

Steel Plate

Project Steel Plate for Arctic Fox (or 雪狐桑)


You can help improve the UI design by pulling request.
Additionally, authorized media materials will also be highly appreciated.

Tested Browsers

  1. Safari (has a known bug)
  2. Google Chrome


AWS Lambda


Mac OS

(Tested on Apple Silicon ONLY)

  1. Install Rust develop environment
  2. Add target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl with command below:
$ rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  1. Install ross-compilation toolchain
$ brew install filosottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
  1. Navigate into project root, then run
$ mkdir .cargo
$ echo '[target.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl]
linker = "x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"' > .cargo/config
  1. Add command alias for x86_64-linux-musl-gcc
$ ln -s `where x86_64-linux-musl-gcc` /usr/local/bin/musl-gcc
  1. Cross compile
$ cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  1. Pack as zip file
$ zip -j rust.zip ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/bootstrap
Linux amd64

!!! TO BE TESTED !!!

  1. Install Rust develop environment
  2. Navigate into project root
  3. Compile
$ cargo build --release
  1. Pack as zip file
$ zip -j rust.zip ./target/release/bootstrap

Lambda Prepare

  1. Click Create function on Lambda Functions page
  2. Choose Author from scratch
  3. Enter your function name
  4. Set Runtime to Provide your own bootstrap on Amazon Linux 2
  5. Set Architecture to x86_64
  6. Click Create function to finish create
  7. Go into the function you created, click Upload from under card Code source
  8. Choose .zip file
  9. Upload rust.zip packed in the previous step, and click Save
  10. Wait until it finishes

DynamoDB Prepare

  1. Click Create table on DynamoDB Tables page
  2. Enter your Table name
  3. Set Partition key to key with type String
  4. Set Table settings according to your needs
  5. Click Create table to finish create
  6. Click Explore items on sidebar
  7. Choose the Table name you set before
  8. Click Create item
  9. Under Add new attribute, choose Number
  10. Set Value to total where Attribute name shows key
  11. Change NewValue to value and set its Value to 0
  12. Click Create item to finish

Edit roles

  1. Go to IAM and open Roles
  2. Choose the role bound to the lambda function you created before
  3. Click Attach policies under Add permissions
  4. Either create your own policy (safer, more complex), or use AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess provides by AWS (more dangerous, but easier)
  5. Click Attach policies to finish role edition Example custom policy:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:xxxxxx:xxxxxxx:table/xxxxxx"
      "Sid": "1",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "dynamodb:ListTables",
      "Resource": "*"

Api Gateway Setup

  1. Create a HTTP API
  2. Set Integrations to your lambda function
  3. Under Configure routes, set Method to ANY, Resource path to /{proxy+} and Integration target to your lambda function
  4. Set others as default or edit them to your preference
  5. Open the URL showed in Invoke URL, and you can finally enjoy the 100% pure steel plate of Arctic Fox


!!! Standalone will store total clicks in the server memory and ONLY in the memory !!!
However, by setting env STEEL_PLATE_COUNT_BASE, you can set the base clicks count number

  1. Install Rust development environment
  2. Navigate into project root
  3. Compile with command below:
$ cargo build --release
  1. Run:
$ ./target/release/steel-plate
  1. Enjoy the high-purity steel plate of Arctic Fox at

Known Bugs

  1. Unable to play the audio after quick clicks on Safari


2022 Richard Chen


~1M SLoC