Cargo Features

sspi = { version = "0.15.2", default-features = false, features = ["network_client", "dns_resolver", "tsssp", "scard", "aws-lc-rs", "ring"] }
default = aws-lc-rs

The aws-lc-rs feature is set by default whenever sspi is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enable reqwest for HTTP requests.

Enables portpicker, reqwest, rustls, and rustls-native-certs

Affects network_client::reqwest_network_client


KDC discovery by querying DNS records.

Enables hickory-resolver and tokio


rt-multi-thread feature is required for tokio::task::block_in_place function.


TSSSP should be used only on Windows as a native CredSSP replacement.

Enables rustls

Affects credssp::sspi_cred_ssp


Turns on Kerberos smart card login (available only on Windows and users WinSCard API).

Enables winscard

aws-lc-rs default

Use AWS LC as TLS cryptography provider.

Enables aws-lc-rs of optional rustls


Use ring as TLS cryptography provider.

Enables rustls-tls-native-roots of optional reqwest, ring of optional rustls