1 stable release
Uses old Rust 2015
1.0.1 | Jul 23, 2015 |
#334 in Email
53 lines
Contains (rust library, 250KB) target/debug/libssmtp.rlib
Rust Ssmtp
Rust sending emails via ssmtpThis is the beginning stages of this repo and I am a Rust newbie. Please provide suggestions or corrections. Currently there is no working method (that I am aware of) to send emails with Rust. So I made rust-ssmtp.
The requirements for Rust Ssmtp:
- Linux/OSX
- ssmtp
* Note: These instructions assume a Ubuntu machine and the use of a gmail account. You can use any smtp compatible email account.
Step One
Install ssmtp and configure
Run Commands:
apt-get -y install ssmtp
nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
Edit/Add the Follwing Lines:
* Note: Special charecters such as symbols will not work. Also dispable two step authentication.
Test Command:
ssmtp your.account@gmail.com
Subject: Hello
I am the body. World!
Another Test Command:
echo From: anything@email.com\n Subject: Hello\n I am the body. Wrold! > email.txt
ssmtp your.account@gmail.com < email.txt
Step Two
Create Main.rs File
extern crate ssmtp;
use ssmtp::email;
fn main() {
// Configure email body and header
// From Address
// To Address
// Subject
"Subject - Hello World!",
// Body
"<html><body><h1>I am the body. Hello Wolrd!<br/><br/>And I accept html.</h1></body></html>"
// Define the actual email address to receive the email