7 releases (breaking)

0.6.1 Apr 27, 2020
0.6.0 Dec 4, 2018
0.5.0 Dec 1, 2018
0.4.0 Dec 1, 2018
0.1.0 Nov 30, 2018

#1417 in Algorithms

Used in 2 crates (via korvin-core)

MIT license

265 lines


Crates.io docs.rs license Crates.io

A small sorting algorithms collection written in Rust for learning purposes.


Below is a list of all implemented sorting algorithms. Algorithms that are not yet crossed are on the to-do list.

  • Bubble sort
  • Merge sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Selection sort
  • Cocktail sort
  • Gnome sort
  • Heapsort
  • Comb sort
  • Quicksort
  • Bucket sort
  • Radix sort
  • Shellsort
  • Bogosort
  • Stooge sort


The benchmark code is located in the benches directory. It can be run using

$ cargo bench

The results are outputted to target/criterion. The benchmark tests the different sorting algorithms against different problem sizes.

sorting algorithms running times

No runtime deps