#smart-contracts #soroban #stellar #blockchain


Fast, lightweight functions and macros with lean, targeted functionality for Soroban smart contract development

11 releases

0.1.11 Feb 28, 2024
0.1.10 Feb 7, 2024
0.1.9 Dec 26, 2023

#8 in #smart-contract

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Used in 7 crates (2 directly)

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574 lines

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This crate is part of soroban-kit: Github | crates.io.

Fast, lightweight functions and macros with lean, targeted functionality for Soroban smart contract development.

soroban-kit is designed for compactness, focusing on slim constructs. It is built on Rust's dependency-free core library and the soroban-sdk. All modules are feature-flagged, allowing you to compile just what you need and nothing more!

Licensed under MIT. This software is provided "AS IS", no liability assumed. More details.


Extended State Machine

soroban-kit = { version = "0.1.11", default-features = false, features = ["state-machine"] }

The state_machine attribute macro can be used to implement versatile state machines (see fsm/impl.rs) in Soroban smart contracts. It features state concurrency through regions (composite states), runtime behavior modeling via extended state variables, transition control with guards and effects, and state persistence with Soroban storage.


While state machines are a prevalent behavioral pattern in Solidity smart contracts, their implementation is often limited due to Solidity rigid architecture leading to complexities, and sometimes impossibilities, in implementing concurrency and runtime behaviors.

Leveraging Rust advanced type system, soroban-kit state_machine can handle complex interactions and concurrent state executions, enabling a flexible, yet straightforward state machine solution for Soroban smart contracts.


Configure a function for state transition within your finite state machine.

#[state_machine] options:

  • state: StatePath := EnumName ":" VariantName [":" TupleVariableName]
  • region: RegionPath := EnumName ":" VariantName [":" TupleVariableName]
  • storage: "instance" (default) | "persistent" | "temporary"
    // Example
      state = "Phase:Committing:voter",
      region = "Domain:Booth:voter")]
    fn my_state_machine_function(&self, env: &Env, voter: &Voter) {

Use the TransitionHandler trait to control state transitions with guards and effects.

pub struct MyStateMachine;

impl MyStateMachine {
    // Implement to provide guard conditions for the transition
    // (e.g., ledger sequence or time-based guards).
    fn on_guard(/* omitted parameters */) {}

    // Implement the effect from transitioning.
    fn on_effect(/* omitted parameters */) {}



The oracle_broker and oracle_subscriber attribute macros are designed to generalize interfacing for both asynchronous and synchronous cross-contract communication. Leveraging the publisher-subscriber pattern, the system allows subscribers to establish multiple connections to oracle broker contracts and vice-versa.

These macros generate a lightweight framework (see oracle.rs) ensuring consistency for communication and events-driven interactions (see impl.rs). topic and data types are customizable via macro arguments, you can use any user-defined and built-in Soroban types.


Oracles serve as bridges between blockchains and external data sources. There are many key challenges in implementing Oracle services, including decentralization, synchronicity, decoupling and multiplicity.

soroban-kit proposes a lightweight solution for implementing the pub/sub messaging pattern to help address these challenges for cross-contract communication.

See the oracle-soroban-kit contract for a basic oracle broker implementation showcasing fee collection from subscribers, with the ability to serve data both synchronously and asynchronously based on availability.


#[oracle_broker] options (positional arguments):

  • Topic Type: Built-in or Custom type
  • Data Type: Built-in or Custom type
    // Implement the oracle broker interface for your contract.
    #[oracle_broker(Bytes, MyDataType)]
    pub struct OracleContract;

#[oracle_subscriber] options (positional arguments):

  • Topic Type: Built-in or Custom type
  • Data Type: Built-in or Custom type
    // Implement the oracle subscriber interface for your contract.
    #[oracle_subscriber(Bytes, MyDataType)]
    pub struct TestContract;

The framework allows you to handle various events via the oracle:Events trait implementation:

    // Example, receiving data asynchronously.
    fn on_async_receive(env: &Env, topic: &Bytes, envelope: &oracle::Envelope, data: &Message) {
        // Only allow whitelisted oracle broker.
            storage::get(&env, &WhitelistKey::Broker).unwrap().broker,
        // Make sure the broker is authorized (i.e., made the cross-contract call).
        // Set the data.
        storage::set(&env, &MessageKey::Topic(topic.clone()), &data);


Commitment Scheme

soroban-kit = { version = "0.1.11", default-features = false, features = ["commitment-scheme"] }

The commit and reveal attribute macros are designed to easily implement the commitment scheme in your Soroban smart contract. They use the soroban-sdk sha256 or keccak256 hash functions and storage with automatic hash removal.

These attributes can also be paired with the state-machine attribute to manage the commitment and reveal phases for multiple parties. For a comprehensive demo of such pairing, refer to the Polling Station example.

        #[state_machine(state = "Phase:Committing")]
        fn vote(&self, env: &Env, hash: &BytesN<32>) {

        #[state_machine(state = "Phase:Revealing")]
        fn reveal(&self, env: &Env, data: &Bytes) {


Commitment schemes allow parties to commit to a value, keeping it hidden until a later time. This technique can be applied in use cases such as voting systems, zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), pseudo-random number generation (PRNG) seeding and more.

The commit and reveal macros in soroban-kit allow a boilerplate-free implementation of the commitment scheme using rust attributes.


#[commit] options:

  • hash: VariableName (default = "hash")
  • storage: "instance" (default) | "persistent" | "temporary"
    // Example
    fn my_commit_function(env: &Env, hash: &BytesN<32>) {

#[reveal] options:

  • data: VariableName (default = "data")
  • hash_func: "sha256" (default) | "keccak256"
  • clear_commit: true (default) | false
  • storage: "instance" (default) | "persistent" | "temporary"
    // Example
    fn my_reveal_function(env: &Env, data: &Bytes) {


Circuit Breaker

soroban-kit = { version = "0.1.11", default-features = false, features = ["circuit-breaker"] }

The when_opened and when_closed attribute macros provide a streamlined way to integrate the circuit breaker pattern into your Soroban smart contracts.

These macros, also leveraging the state-machine module, enable detailed control over state transitions (see circuit_breaker.rs) and the construction of composite circuits (i.e., grouping operations in sub circuits).


In the context of smart contracts, the circuit breaker pattern serves as a vital security mechanism, safeguarding stakeholders in the event of unexpected contract behavior or external attacks. This pattern is prevalent in Solidity smart contracts, notably through the popular Pausable contract module from OpenZeppelin.

soroban-kit macros allow a straightforward implementation of the circuit-breaker pattern for any operation and subset of operations in your contract.


#[when_opened] / #[when_closed] options:

  • region: RegionPath := EnumName ":" VariantName [":" TupleVariableName]
  • trigger: A boolean to indicate if the function call should trigger a state change (default: false).
    struct Circuit; 
    impl Circuit {
        // bid() is usable when the circuit is closed (operational).
        fn bid(&self, env: &Env) {

        // emergency_stop() triggers a state change.
        #[when_closed(trigger = true)]
        fn emergency_stop(&self, env: &Env) {

        // upgrade() also restores bid() operation.
        #[when_opened(trigger = true)]
        fn upgrade(&self, env: &Env) {
          // e.g., upgrade contract.

Control state transitions with guards and effects.

    impl Circuit {
        // Define guard conditions for state transitions (open/close).
        fn on_guard(/* omitted parameters */) {}

        // Define effects of state transitions
        fn on_effect(/* omitted parameters */) {}


Type Safe Storage

soroban-kit = { version = "0.1.11", default-features = false, features = ["storage"] }

The storage and key_constraint macros generate a minimal wrapper (see storage/impl.rs) for type safety with storage operations while also enforcing type rules at compile time, binding Soroban storage, data types and keys. For performance, the generated code handles key and data operations without duplication, leveraging Rust lifetimes for safe borrowing.


When dealing with the Soroban storage, repetitive boilerplate code is typically required for encapsulation and type safety over generic storage functions.

The storage macros streamline this process by automatically generating the boilerplate code, enforcing type rules at compile time, binding the storage with custom data types and optionally, applying Trait constraints to storage keys.


#[storage] options (positional arguments):

  • Storage: Instance (default) | Persistent | Temporary
  • Key: Trait
    // Example
    #[storage(Instance, AdminKeyConstraint)]
    pub struct AdminData {
        pub address: Address,

#[key-constraint] options (positional arguments):

  • Key: Trait
    // Example
    pub enum Key {



soroban-kit = { version = "0.1.11", default-features = false, features = ["utils"] }

This module contains utility macros including:

  • reflective_enum: enables C-style enums to reflect their own variants.

Smart Contract Demo

hello-soroban-kit is a simple Soroban smart contract demo showcasing the use of all soroban-kit features. Read hello-soroban-kit documentation.


Contributions are welcome! If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.


soroban-kit is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.


For inquiries or collaborations:

Fred Kyung-jin Rezeau - @FredericRezeau


~324K SLoC